Vaporbrothers VB1sighting in "kid cannabis" + a short speach on how great vaporizing is, at around minute 37into the movie.
Agreed completely. There's no denying the utter convenience and laidback vibes of passing around a joint/blunt. No dealing with packing, screen cleaning, powering on, heating up, changing settings, etc.The joint will always be the king of pass it around. I hate to say it here, but I will (because I got high!)
Joints will always steal the scene in movies because it is the mostway to get high with friends in a social setting.
Yes it tastes like shit, it's lousy for you (smoke-wise) and all that. I agree. I will only vape, but will make an exception when it's being passed around the room.
and you know this
I just realized that the ps: to this post is that hardcore joint-smokers are the hardest to convert to vaping, for the same reason (because they don't want to do device maintenance)Another great thing about joints is there's no maintenance like you'd need to do with any other delivery system (pipe, vape, bong etc. they all need cleaning). Also if you're in an illegal situation you can just eat it, and if that's all you had on you then you're legal. And if they continue to hassle you, you're moar chill.
"Got so high off Volcano, now the flow is so lava" great Childish Gambino lineGambino is my shit. I figured he was friendly to the scene, but hadn't seen this.
There was an awful show on Netflix called disjointed. There's a segment where they see a volcano and get super excited.Workaholics had at least one ep with a vape. Don't remember which one tho.