personally I get good resultsa vaping hash with my underdog vaporizer. I do however have a vvps(variable voltage power suply), so I can turn up the temp for hash.
it depends on what kind of hash you mean though, when I talk about hash it's usually imported(maroc is especially common around here).
to get it vaping well you have to stir it after the first few hits, when it has gotten soft, to expose more surface area. if the quality of the hash is too high it won't vape as well, since it will immediatly melt together into one puddle, losing the extra surface area.
my vaporgenie also works well with hash, and it's less bothered by the quality of the hash since the screen is bigger, so I can spread it out more so it won't melt into one piece again.
also, I replace the screen every time I refill the bowl/stem with hash, since it gunks up the screen quickly and so decrease the possible airflow trough it.
I never used a solo, but I have read of people using it with hash with good results.