Yes Azarius, Conscious Wholesales, VapoShop is the same owner and company!
About the ViVape:
Was at the fair. The units are pretty sleak and the design is nice (be aware I'm an Apple Addict so that opinion is personal and subjective).
Heating time: it's more then 26 sec. as sold but still pretty impressive IMO! I would say around 45 sec.
Temp. display: Over rated IMO: when it says 190c the vapor coming out looks like a 180 c one.
Vapor Flavor: Not bad, with a slight silicone taste
Vapor waste: Huge IMO... and clearly a No GO for me as heat is always running on the herbs, even in whip mode (WTF guys????). So, it's wasting vape (visible vape coming out of the whip like a geiser), energy (consumes 700 Watts OMG!) and heating my living room to ridiculous point in the summer! To be considered too: you cannot unplugg the unit till the cooling process is done, just like his ancester the Novus!
Noise: Pretty impressive as the unit makes the same noise as an external HD running... Nothing unbearable!
So in resume a pimped design for the Novus. I am sure this unit will have the expectd buzz at first, and essencially from vape newbs' as it has design references to more known products. But I'm also confident the FC average member will recognize this as what it is: not a revolution in terms of vape technology... In fact an improved novus in a magnificient casing!
Yes Azarius, Conscious Wholesales, VapoShop is the same owner and company!
About the ViVape:
Was at the fair. The units are pretty sleak and the design is nice (be aware I'm an Apple Addict so that opinion is personal and subjective).
Heating time: it's more then 26 sec. as sold but still pretty impressive IMO! I would say around 45 sec.
Temp. display: Over rated IMO: when it says 190c the vapor coming out looks like a 180 c one.
Vapor Flavor: Not bad, with a slight silicone taste
Vapor waste: Huge IMO... and clearly a No GO for me as heat is always running on the herbs, even in whip mode (WTF guys????). So, it's wasting vape (visible vape coming out of the whip like a geiser), energy (consumes 700 Watts OMG!) and heating my living room to ridiculous point in the summer! To be considered too: you cannot unplugg the unit till the cooling process is done, just like his ancester the Novus!
Noise: Pretty impressive as the unit makes the same noise as an external HD running... Nothing unbearable!
So in resume a pimped design for the Novus. I am sure this unit will have the expectd buzz at first, and essencially from vape newbs' as it has design references to more known products. But I'm also confident the FC average member will recognize this as what it is: not a revolution in terms of vape technology... In fact an improved novus in a magnificient casing!