So, I got mine yesterday and have run it through it's paces a few times and here are my thoughts.
Let's get the cons out of the way.
It was bigger than I expected and as such wasn't nearly as inconspicuous as I had hope.
It reeks, I thought the Iolite and the MFLB stank, but dude.
The lights are impossible to see in the daylight. I was out today and couldn't see any of the lights. Had to pull over and cup my hands over it to see if it was on.
I haven't been able to get clouds from it. see below.
Ergonomically, it is awesome. While it is a little big, it also sexy as hell.
Heat up time is fabulous.
Although, I could not blow very big clouds, it got me way stoned.
On a tiny amount of weed, this thing is efficient!
Unit itself is sturdy and seems to be bulletproof.
The stirring thingy, amazing revolution.
Battery life has been great, only down one bar since yesterday.
I think this will be the perfect vape for me, or me and the wife to share at the beach, in the car etc. I love the way it it conserves my weed, it's ease of use and it's ability to get me buzzed.
Btw, I just finished a bowl before writing this, so my vocabulary and sentence structure are a little lacking.