The other day I was being stupid and accidentally poked the screen in front of the heating element out. My jaw dropped. In my year of owning this thing, I haven't done that yet.... Anyways, I was freaking out about what to do, when I said 'fuck it, I'll unscrew the heating element casing'....
I took it all the way off, and it came off easily enough. I was afraid I was gonna break something but it was just my stoned hesitation. Anyways, I took pictures of it cuz, well, I figured it might help someone in the future, or at least be interesting to us vaporists. That squealing sound is natural. It's glass threads so thats why it makes the sound.
(Sorry about the sideways picture, didn't rotate before uploading, but you get the idea)
I didn't even know I had all those old crumbs inside until I took the picture.... kinda dark in their.
That 2nd picture is much more in focus, and with the screen repositioned. I made sure to make it
super-snug so this wouldn't happen again.
I guess the 4g has a shock mounted heater cover. So it will probably look different than this, but I'm not sure how. I wonder if this is a part you can just order to upgrade the 3g yourself.... I'd have to look into it.
Anyway, yeah. COol huh?