Vapor VS smoke, newbie question

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Well-Known Member
I just got my Easy Vape..trial and error on temperature..had it p to 375 today, and there was a ton of smoke, and the remains appeared as ash, not able to reuse it, was it too high? Should there be so much smoke, almost like bong hits smoke,? finally, trial and error on how much to put into bowl. I know these questions get asked alot, and I did browse the forums, but couldnt find exactly what I need..temp, amount, and smoke?..thanks for reading, its appreciated! :)


You want a medium brown IMO.

Dark brown is verging on combustion, black you have gone too far, ash you have completely farked it.

Vapor should be clearly visible under good lighting and can form large clouds equivalent to smoking, it behaves differently though and you will be able to spot it in no time.

Turn your temp back a bit.


Well-Known Member
My Easy Vape has been very inconsistent....for a few months i was vaping at 320 - i initially had it at 375 and mine burned too. Dont trust the digital dial, you'll have to find the right number for your vape.

As a matter of fact, when i ended up building a setup to hold the vape upside-down (seriously) i now turn it down to 220 and it gets it pretty dark brown. Explain that one to me..... :lol: needless to say I'm buying a purple days so I can move wasnt a bad starter vape at all though.


Well-Known Member
I realize my post could have been more helpful - Let me share with you my easy vape tips and tricks I've learned over the past 6 months:

1. As with any vape, use very dry, moderately fine ground marijuana. It makes a tremendous difference.

2. It is better to start at a lower temp and move up, as you're working on determining the right temp.

3. The temp may be right for you, and wrong for someone else - If you inhale slower, you need to put it at a lower temp. This is my reccomendation - Take very long, slow inhales - the way I coach my friends is to act like you are underwater and this is your source of oxygen - goes deep into the lungs.

4. The angle the Easy Vape is made at is terrible, the weed sits right on the heater, and is very prone to burning. I built a wood stand for my easy vape, which holds it upside down. This makes the weed lie down on the screen, and the heat is not directly touching it anymore.

5. If you break your glass (you will at some point) you can buy generic whips off of ebay. I bought a 2-pack for 10 bucks with free shipping.

6. The easy vape screen has a stupid hole in the middle. I would recommend replacing the screen.

7. The easy vape automatically shuts off after 1 hour. Took me a while to figure out why my vape was shutting off mid-session.

8. The vape remains should NOT be black or ash. You really dont want to burn the weed, as it will clog your screen very fast.

9. Remember to clean out the glass, whip, and screen. It makes such a difference - the vape will start getting clogged over time. There are plenty of resources on here about vape cleaning - Easy Vape is pretty much a standard whip style vape.

10. As Chubba said, if you dont see any vapor, that doesnt necessarily mean there is any vapor. Early in my vaping days, I got a black piece of construction paper and changed my lighting - when i blew out i would hold up the paper...its surprising how much more you can see - sometimes it looks like there is no vapor, but its all about the lighting/background

hope that gets ya started.
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