In response to a post from the Silver Surfer thread:
Yo Cannabudz. I bet you that you and I are FAR from alone in being two people totally displeased with their brush with the Vapir One. There's enough badmouthing of this vape around the net, so I'm just going to keep it stitched. Let me tell a story with pictures instead.
Placing the Vapir away neating, exactly where it belongs.
Still leaving...
My unburdened spirit, beginning to lift out into darkest night.
Floating back towards the darkness, where my PD awaits, ready to teach my how to REALLY "soar in the clouds".
Just in case we didn't get the message:

CB like you I am also very enthusiastic about the web and all of the strange and synchronistic connections it elicits...I am a very changed person due to my online interactions, as we no doubt all are. This dimension of our lives, a "virtual" indeed very, very real. The underground wisdom that can not be spread in the mainstream finds a quiet resting place here, but it's also a place where it shows its teeth. I love forums like this because it's simply not the kind of information you're going to find in a library or at or whatever. It's knowledge drawn from experience, "wisdom" some might call it. Very good stuff. Of course, there's lots of complete bull shit as well. The internet requires skepticism as much (or more) than the "real" world. My alternate name for the internet (honestly, I'm not just making this up on the spot...I've actually used it as a descriptor before) is "a virtual alternate world of knowledge and deception". Take that for what you will.
Cannabudz said:
you R most definately Right about Making the Choice not to want to "Smoke" out of Preference or a "sounder choice", Thats how it was for me 2 or 3 day's after getting my E, & sampling 2 types of Tobacco(one longbeach ciggarette& some black market baccy) with it, the "choice was very clear, I ceased a 30 a day ciggie habit that day and havnt "Wanted" one since. no patches, gum, hypno or anyother BullShit, Obviously the same applies with Cannabis "Smoking" that shit is a thing of the past, & i don't know about you P_V , but i'm not desperate to hit my Weed anymore(i really was Big time b4) and i Love that.
Give the past the Slip, Crack that
Are you saying that you quit a 30 cig a day habit outright? Or did you switch 100% to vaporization?? Either way dude, BIG fucking ups your way. Seriously. I have quit the 'baccy many times in my life (started smoking at like, I really don't even know anymore, 11 or 12? at the absolute latest 13, but I think it was younger...) and I finally just did it "for reals". And for keeps this time, I hope. I've been done for something like 5 months?? I actually decided not to keep track, because I made a lifetime commitment this time. Before I've always had some reason to quit (GF, money, that type of shit), but I never said "this is it, I'll never touch another cigarette again". The reason is that I hate imposing limitations on myself; enough people try to do that for yeah, I never liked to say never, if you get my drift. Still...this time I really have changed, and my life is moving in a very different direction. I feel confident sayign that I am done with tobacco (at least commercial tobacco...I may try my hand at growing some down the road, as I've always wanted to try unprocessed tobacco...and now I could even vape it! Still a carcinogen cocktail though, no matter what way you take it...

). That confidence is a stepping stone into the next big change in my life, which is a little more personal but it's all branching from this stuff...from thinking about health, the future, and just life in general. Thank gods we're not alone, and others have provided us with tools that help us to not only get MORE enjoyment from our beloved Cannabis flowers, but to also stay much healthier in the process. Enter vaporization
So whatever you've done to change your tobacco habits, good on you man. That is not easy, I know...many share that struggle. Yet it is wholly one worth fighting...and it is
totally one you can win, you just have to actually
want it. That's what I learned, you can't be quitting because someone's told you to, or because of what society says, or because of how much it has to have clicked, somewhere deep inside you, that you really want to be free of it...then you can slip it off like an old worn sweater. Worked that way for me, at least...
*No glass was actually trashed in the capturing of these pictures. That bong was remove from the bin promptly after I was finished...that was the first bong I ever bought and it's a tad sentimental for me, and more than that
glass does not belong in the garbage.