Vapor genie

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Well-Known Member
Hey, I was lookin at getting an IOlite portable vape, but it would pretty much run me dry and then some.

Today I found out about the vapor genie, the first vaporizing pipe.

I just have some questions about the pipe.

Does it work?
Is there smell?
Am i breathing in pure vapor, or just less smoke.

Im worried about that last one cause im an athlete and recently ive notived my performance has gone slightly down because of the amount ive been smoking. Also im assuming vaporization wont really affect my performance.


Well-Known Member
Just to let you know there is a thread in this section that's over 30 pages of posts. Its full of info and will pretty much answer all your questions. Now to answer your questions: 1 yes it does work but a little learning curve, 2 not much of a smell compared to smoking, 3 probably not as efficient as othervapes but I've only burned one bowl. BTW Vaporgenie is a good company to buy from, I got mine in two or three days. I'm quite satisfied with it. Here's the link for the thread.

Acolyte of Zinglon

i think the vg is quite efficient, it can produce vapor from a barely covered screen and extracts the herb very well,gives massive hits if you do it right
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Sorry what I meant by efficient/inefficient is the learning curve not how efficient it is at extracting thc(could any vaporizer company actually show how efficient their vape is? prolly need a lab for that). I think I make less sense when I'm sober :lol:.
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