I made ABV-butter brownies last night. I had 36 grams of lightly-toasted ABV, used 2 sticks of unsalted butter and did the water method, simmering for 1 hour. I did strain it; I have a hard time digesting a lot of herb. It took about 5 hours for the butter to solidify in the fridge so that I could skim it off.
The butter came out a much darker green than when I make it with fresh bud, but smelled and tasted about the same. I immediately made a double batch of brownies with it. I used a lower temp baking them than I usually do, for fear of damaging the good stuff.
Here is the recipe if anyone wants it. I bake stuff from scratch all the time; (regular) brownies are the very first thing I learned to make as a kid.
BROWNIES (double batch)
2 sticks' worth magical mystery butter

1 + 1/3 cup sugar (you can use as much as 2 cups but I use less for more chocolate intensity)
1 egg (I like chewy brownies. For more cakey ones, use 2 eggs)
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 cup cocoa (I use good Penzeys cocoa, very rich, it makes Hersheys taste like brown grit.)
1 + 1/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 325F. Cream butter and sugar till smooth, mix in egg and vanilla, then mix in cocoa till smooth. Combine flour, salt and baking powder together, then mix into the chocolate batter. Spread in greased 9x13 pan, as smoothly as possible for uniform thickness. Bake 25mins, remove from oven and let cool COMPLETELY before cutting (if you don't want them in fragments all over the place.)
tried to wait long enough to cool them properly but it was late at night and I had to get to bed, so I didn't end up with absolutely uniform brownies. I did cut them very small, about 1.5" x 2" or so. I put them in a tupperware in the freezer and went to bed.
Today I ate one brownie - one of the smallest ones. Delicious! Cold and chewy from the freezer, the intense chocolate harmonized rather nicely with the faint canna taste. Almost like mint chocolate, very nice.
45 minutes after eating it I was definitely feeling effects.
1 hour and 10 minutes after eating it I was STONED AND GIGGLING.
It's been three hours now since I ate it. I am floating gently somewhere in the... ionosphere, I guess. It's hard to tell. I am SO stoned and happy. Definite body-stone, yes; I also notice pain relief, and enhanced flavors in food. Vaping a little on top has rounded things out for a rather spectacular Sunday afternoon in Rosieland.
I am just agog, a-fucking-
gog at how great it is to vape, so awesome that even the
leftovers are a gift that keeps on giving!! Next time the duff jar fills up I'm going to try some Golden Dragon.
EDIT to add: instead of Golden Dragon, I made a second batch of butter, but was dismayed to find it wasn't nearly as potent as my first attempt. I thought I had done everything exactly the same - but I just realized that I didn't, not exactly.
My first batch, before I put the ABV in with the butter and water, I
crushed it up in a big bowl, using the bottom of a round-bottomed glass - mortar and pestle style.
My second batch, I put the ABV in a food processor and whirred it up a bit in there before putting it in with the butter and water.
I really think crushing the duff gave me more potent results.
Maybe I could have gotten good results with a food processor also, but not the way I used it - I only pulsed it a few times. I was afraid of overdoing it. Whereas, while doing it by hand I spent a few minutes grinding away.