Vapor Box/ Vapor Cannon - are they both officially upgraded Warez's?

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A little confusing - I'm curious as to the lineage of both of these upgraded vapes and how they compare with each other.
Also as a pleased VW3G owner I'm curious if there's an upgraded two piece wand available equivalent to the new VB wand upgrade..

i thank you for your time..


Out to lunch
VaporBox (along with the VaporTower) is made by Vaporstore. They've been making these two models for years, and the Box is comparable to the other well known units-VaporCannon, Vapor Bros, etc. I don't know how they compare internally, but Vaporstore has a lifetime heater warranty on the Box and Tower, so they must feel confident about them. The VaporBox comes with a Deluxe handkit now, with a separate screw on/off piece for easy screen changing. It does work with the VaporCannon, and is a $30-40 item, depending on HF or standard.

I'd email vaporstore via their contact page and see what they say about the Box vs. the Warez. They've taken over the Vaporwarez brand, so they're the ones with the best info.
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