Vapor bong water - how often changed?


Darth Vapor
When it came to combustion, i would change my bong water after every 3 to 4 bowls, especially if the bong was a tube, and didn't contain much water.

Right now I have a bong I filled to use with my VHW for a couple bowls. I have used it since daily with my PD/MZ and have not changed the water in weeks. seems gross, but still nice. any opinions? how long you guys use this stuff??


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I normally let mine sit for a little while, then drink it... heh. Tastes just like bud. Unless I am sharing with other people and they are drooling into the bong


Well-Known Member
I've let the water go for a week or two, and the smell wasn't bad at all. Since meeting my new friend Iso 91%, I do dump the water daily, if only to swirl a little iso in to keep the glass shiny and fresh.


Well-Known Member
I still change it a few times daily, as my RooR sees heavy use. I pour it into this ficus tree I have and I like to think I get it baked :)


You shouldn't get slack, it takes 15 seconds to put clean water in.

Just pour it out, flood the bong and refill every 5 sessions or so and you will NEVER have to clean it.


Well-Known Member
UrDoinItWrong said:
I still change it a few times daily, as my RooR sees heavy use. I pour it into this ficus tree I have and I like to think I get it baked :)
This seems to me like plant cannabism (tried to mix cannibalism and cannabis there, did I fail? you be the judge)

lol forcing your plant to live off the water filtered remains of another one, thats just terrible.. however this has been a trick for centries to help other plants grow (maybe not giving them bong water, but feeding them other plants in some sort of way)


Darth Vapor
Yeah, I have moved back to changing it often.... i like ice, so it only makes sense.
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