And now, a negative opinion....
Vapolution #1 -- Temp control knob grinds up insulation material (mica) and eventually caused the knob to stick at the highest temp. Sent it back at my expense for a replacement.
Vapolution #2 -- Same temp knob problem, but not AS bad (it still turns but its rough). I ended up dropping this unit and the top center part cracked but didn't break any of the functional parts. I cracked open the bottom and dumped out the mica insulation. "Cheap ass piece of shit!"

or a similar phrase escaped my lips when I saw the internal components. Literally, a laboratory test tube wrapped with the flimsy heat wire. Everything was fully exposed to the loose mica chunk insulation!!! This unit looks like a prototype on the inside!!!!!!

I was pissed off that I had spent $150 on something I could have rigged up myself. Yes, the outside looks alright, but even that looks cheap when you really look closely. That being said, it does still function, sort of. I refilled it with sand, because I had lost some of the mica, duct taped a circle of cardboard on the bottom and then superglued the top center section back in place. All sealed up again! It worked as well as usual for a few months but now the power light has died and I have to turn it WAY up to get the same heat level as before it seems. Weird.
Overall, I do not recommend the Vapolution. There are higher quality products available. It also seems to take forever to achieve the desired effect. I will end up puffing on a bowl for 5 or even 10 minutes because I keep blowing out vapor that tastes like crap after the first couple hits anyway. I don't want to waste anything, but I don't want to sit there forever just to get a little buzz. I want something quicker, better quality, and with the ability to share with more than 1 or 2 people. I find that it will easily turn herb BLACK if you don't have everything perfect. Think about it, they say it's so customizable in your method, but really, it's a BUNCH of shit to get right to make it work. You need the temp set right, the bowl packed right, the washer holding the bowl at the right height, the correct draw speed. I can't easily reproduce my experience ever.
The all-in-wonder bowl seemed great, but really, the unit is not comfortable to hold up to your mouth like that. You need 2 hands to do it and it takes a long time to get everything out of a bowl so it becomes very annoying. Lately the whip hits have been so weak that I've been sticking the tube into my water pipe (filled with ice) and "filling" the chamber of the water pipe with vapor before clearing it. If your vapolution works, I'd recommend this method as "near satisfactory"
I will post pics of my dissected Vapolution here when I receive my SSV. I'm still wrestling with it, hoping I won't have to go back to smoking before my SSV gets here.