John Lewus

Well-Known Member
I totally expected the hemp to at least be a little bit lighter.... Interesting.

Lighter? I think you mean heavier. I expected it to be maybe 0.08g which would be the hemp ball plus whatever crap leftover that did not vape off. I was really surprised to see it go back to the same weight. That means I more or less vaped off every bit of the reclaim that was collected. I was very careful when removing it. The honey on my glass stem is a bit thicker from the oil so some was still definitely left on the glass. I'll take a pic before I use it anymore.
John Lewus,


Baked & Fried
Lighter? I think you mean heavier. I expected it to be maybe 0.08g which would be the hemp ball plus whatever crap leftover that did not vape off. I was really surprised to see it go back to the same weight. That means I more or less vaped off every bit of the reclaim that was collected. I was very careful when removing it. The honey on my glass stem is a bit thicker from the oil so some was still definitely left on the glass. I'll take a pic before I use it anymore.
I meant lighter.. I didn't really consider the leftover solids in the filter.. It's just that the filter always looks so shrunk down after I vape it.. and dark too.. The strands look thinner to me too..
I might vape it at a higher temp than you, I don't know.. I just always suspected the hemp fiber of deteriorating after vaping it.. Never thought to try and keep track of numbers though.

I actually don't commonly use any filter.. only when I want to store actives.. But what I have been doing is just vaping w/ no filter and just wiping the reclaim out of the UD stem w/ a Qtip or hemp, and just vaping that.. The filter makes me use too much herb.. and leaves me looking for more.. I don't really care for using it much but it is a good way for me to catch some actives.

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
I meant lighter.. I didn't really consider the leftover solids in the filter.. It's just that the filter always looks so shrunk down after I vape it.. and dark too.. The strands look thinner to me too..
I might vape it at a higher temp than you, I don't know.. I just always suspected the hemp fiber of deteriorating after vaping it.. Never thought to try and keep track of numbers though.

I actually don't commonly use any filter.. only when I want to store actives.. But what I have been doing is just vaping w/ no filter and just wiping the reclaim out of the UD stem w/ a Qtip or hemp, and just vaping that.. The filter makes me use too much herb.. and leaves me looking for more.. I don't really care for using it much but it is a good way for me to catch some actives.

I would be more concerned about something in the hemp fiber itself that is vaping off. There was a discussion in this forum about cotton vs hemp fiber and which one is safer to use when vaping at higher temps. Given the new cloud can get to 500F I wonder if anything on fiber itself is vaping and more importantly is if that is safe.

When I get time I will try running hot vape air over hemp fiber to see what happens.
John Lewus,


Baked & Fried
I would be more concerned about something in the hemp fiber itself that is vaping off. There was a discussion in this forum about cotton vs hemp fiber and which one is safer to use when vaping at higher temps. Given the new cloud can get to 500F I wonder if anything on fiber itself is vaping and more importantly is if that is safe.

When I get time I will try running hot vape air over hemp fiber to see what happens.
I'm personally not concerned about anything, just curious.. It's just hemp fiber, IMO I don't see anything to worry about.. I wouldn't trip on it.. even if it caught on fire.. haha

What do you think it is that could possibly be vaping off?

I guess you could just load up a clean ELB full of fresh hemp fiber, and see if it makes its own vapor??:shrug:

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
@John Lewus
if you hit those filters before they get so thick and heavy you can thoroughly vape everything off in about four to six hits and you won't destroy the filter in the process. this eases my mind a little bit when wondering about vaping the filters.

I am not concerned with destroying the filter after the fact. I am more concerned that running high temps over hemp fiber and breathing that in. More specifically I am concerned my degummed hemp fiber might have been treated in some way that is not safe to run high temps over it.

I did some google searching on degummed hemp fiber and found a 1998 PDF file which is a bit dated but what concerns me is the process for degumming hemp fiber using chemicals. There are other processes that are newer that are ultrasonic but I am not sure how I can know how my fibers were degummed.

quote below from link.

1. 1. This chemical degum technology of hemp uses chemical treatement of acid, alkali,
oxidizer, together with mechanical method to remove noncellulose from hemp’s bast and
produce refined-dried hemp as the raw material of textile.

The technological process is specified as follows:

batching by different levels ---> binding into bounches ---> putting into coops ---> acid treating
---> washing by water ---> 1 refining by cooking ---> boiling in hot water ---> 2 refining by
cooking ---> scutching ---> bleaching ---> passed through acid ---> washing by water for the
second time ---> dehydration ---> fluffing ---> putting into coops ---> emulsification --->
dehydration ---> spreading the hemp ---> drying ---> selecting ---> batching ---> yangsheng (in
Chinese) ---> fluffing ---> carding
John Lewus,


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in rigging up my hand-held SSV with cotton in order to catch debris and especially to catch bigger particles in order to make the hits smoother (as discussed in the Vapor : Particle size thead).

As I had some cheesecloth on-hand, I put some over one end of my hose and put that into my glass wand. Much smoother hits.

So, my question is how would I use cotton in the whip-wand?


I'm interested in rigging up my hand-held SSV with cotton in order to catch debris and especially to catch bigger particles in order to make the hits smoother (as discussed in the Vapor : Particle size thead).

As I had some cheesecloth on-hand, I put some over one end of my hose and put that into my glass wand. Much smoother hits.

So, my question is how would I use cotton in the whip-wand?
The same way? Fix a small ball of cotton in there. You'll have to play around with how dense the ball is because it can really restrict the airflow. At a certain point it'll be saturated enough that the draw will be really hard/completely plugged. Vape that stuff!!


Well-Known Member
The same way? Fix a small ball of cotton in there. You'll have to play around with how dense the ball is because it can really restrict the airflow. At a certain point it'll be saturated enough that the draw will be really hard/completely plugged. Vape that stuff!!
Thanks Quetz. OK, I'll pickup some cotton balls later. (Of course, I have cotton pads and Q-tips). I'm not sure that cotton will stay there adequately without getting sucked up the hose which is why I posted the question. Just have to try it.


Well-Known Member
Take slow draws at first? Reclaim is quite sticky and will hold the cotton in place, provided you aren't inhaling at hurricane-level speeds.
Makes sense. I look forward to trying this out. Certainly, the cheesecloth was proof of concept.


Well-Known Member
Just wack it in the wand that's what i do with my da Buddha the closer to the bowl it is the faster it goo's up
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Well-Known Member
Just wack it in the wand that's what i do with my da Buddha the closer to the bowl it is the faster it goo's up
Funny enough this is an alternative method I've been thinking about after reading Master JedHI Alan's post on page 1.

This will allow a larger area than a piece stretched across the top of the tubing.

I can see I'll be playing with cotton soon. :science:

Even the quick crude cheesecloth filter completely altered the hit quality - markedly smoother and finer dispersion. A simple filter has allowed me to continue vaping with a cough. Thanks fc. :nod:


Well-Known Member
I put my cotton at the bottom of my solo stem the bit when it gets smaller


Well-Known Member
Caligula also I would think that Alan's post on page 1 would be applicable - HI log glass tube being comparable to Solo glass tube.

As he stated "Don't position the cotton too close to the heat source or you will just volatilize the oil rather than filtering it".

I think you can place at the bottom of the stem like as suggested, but you could raise it higher (toward the screen) if you wish to trap more large particles, but not so high as to volatilize the oil.

Don't know though as I haven't personally tried.

EDIT. Actually Alan's post on page 3 is more what I had in mind in which he shows a long, open piece of cotton in the stem (as well as describes how he made it):
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
The best description I've seen about doing this was by @Anonymouse in the Vapor : Particle Size thread. I'll quote the relevant part:

Yeah, this works really well. A properly set up cotton (or hemp, but cotton is just as good) filter will catch all the larger particles, some of the smaller ones, and all the the particulate, while having neglible effect on draw resistance. Plus you can take out the filter and vape it when it gets saturated enough to noticably affect flow (which can take months), and that shit is going to give you the biggest clouds you've ever seen, in that the resulting sodden cotton is basically a perfect substrate for holding oil with maximal surface area (and thus rapid vaping potential), but at this point contains many times more oil than the same volume of even the best herb you ever had.

There will be some "sticking" as you say, but it's mainly rejecting larger particles mechanically, that is by packing the fibres tight enough that there's no complete paths through the wad that have minimal openings large enough to allow the larger particles to pass, so they are trapped and the smaller ones pulled through by gas flow. Essentially you want to pack the wad as tight as you can without noticing any significant draw resistance, and it'll do the rest for the next several months.

Another thing cotton will do is stop that the ugly brown hydrated-oil gunge patterns that form up the walls of a piece, often after just a few good hits. The walls will still collect resin, but much more slowly, and in a more even "haze" pattern without any water droplet patterns. Seriously, they can look "clean" for tens upon tens of good hits. Most of the shit that was getting stuck on the walls is now stuck in the filter instead.

One final note: Once you have a few loads through it the filter will become quite sticky to the touch. Do not touch or mess with it unless you really have to at this point, because squashing or compressing it even slightly will close up pathways through the filter, and now that the fibres are sticky they will stay closed, increasing draw resistance noticably. If you nudge a sticky filter accidentally you might find draw difficulty increases enough that you'll need to replace it, and ideally you don't want to replace it until it becomes sodden on its own as that shit is just mind-erasingly good when you finally get to enjoy it. If you don't interfere with the filter the resin will hold all the fibres in place just fine, and it will last a surprisingly long time.


it's a balance that I try to strive for.
Ok I have a big chunk of SHATTER staring at me each time I open my accessory drawer.
I have organic cotton however I've never used it.
Why can't I use a FLOWER NUGGET as a filter to vape this chunk through one of my vaporizers?
Were looking for a filtering method are we not?


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on where to find degummed hemp fiber in the Portland metro area? I really don't want to pay $20 shipping for $14 worth of fiber.

I'm in Portland and I just got a huge box. I'd be happy to share. The stuff is awesome!

Also, I am very happy to announce that I got my replacement solo and no more illness! Now I see what all the solo hype is about. The Hemp fiber hits are amazing and just keep coming and coming.
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