There is new research out from John Hopkins where they compared the effects of smoking vs vaping specific amounts of cannabis. The results indicate that vaping is more toxic for the brain and body. Anyone thinking of returning to combusting?
You really have to give us a link to this study , the only thing i can think of is something like what the link that habitat -fc provided .
And remember that it is a study funded by the Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration lol
So that tells you its all slanted to a negative spin .
To them its all bad THC to some might see it as hmmm maybe a way to get the medical effects with less hmmm could be a good thing .
instead they focus on it meaning more of the bad THC means worse to the users mental and physical wellbeing
Tottally forgeting about the possible lessing of the negitive effects of the smoke its a bunch of slanted propaganda in my eyes .
That said i can and do see the same thing in my own experiences . i recently got a little mini steam roller pipe and smoked out of it after no smoking for months . i couldnt even really get an effect lol my toulerance obvisiouly up from vaping .
So the only real Toxic effect i can see with vaping over smoking is for devolpment of CHS or for people susptible to aggravating mental health symptoms but for some it can help mental health symptoms .
But im pretty sure the people involved in that study would disagree as it is there job to lol .
So to little maggie if you have the link can you please post so we can see if there getting atvthe same thing as the link that habitat -fc provided