zerolux said:...the more i experiment with vaporizing glycerin the more certain i am that it doesn't need to be vaporized at the same temperature as whatever it extracted since it IS acting as a carrier.
This is true; the cannabinoids in your glycerin tincture must already be decarbed/activated and bioavailable, as the glycerin is your 'vapor vehicle' for delivery, and the vast majority of e-cigs can not easily cause cannabinoid conversion all on their own. So your tincture must already be effective sublingually or via the buccal method, prior to attempting e-cig use.
We have been vaping glycerin hash tincture in e-cigs (and other vaporizers) with great success, since the early 2000's when the very first test models were being released in 'australasia'.
When using a bag, the little remaining tincture that collects and condenses inside after a session, is just as tasty and effective after the vape as it was before. smile
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Have fun, and happy medicating