Vaping through water. Debris and floaties.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, long time user here, but am fairly new vaping through water.
Just started recently and noticed a lot of floaties and nasty looking phlemy bits in my water piece after vaping just a few bowls. Now, I know this is pretty much normal, but If was hitting this same bowl dry without a water piece, would most of these canna-bits be entering my mouth, throat and lungs? Just asking because when I typically vape from a dana vap, or mighty+ I dont recall ever getting these bits into my mouth. Have I just not being paying attention this whole time?


Old & In the Way
Is there anything different about the screen that vapor passes thru? Wpa may have a coarser screen?

If not, and the only variable introduced is "use thru water", then yeah, some of the particulates you see, plant matter and abv, would otherwise be going into your mouth.

But some of what you see (perhaps the gooeyer stuff), is vapor that condensed before reaching you. This can be viewed as maybe healthier, like a filter OR as an unnecessary thief of flavor and potency. I go with the latter.


Well-Known Member
phlegm? You're supposed to suck not blow. I see no such occurrence with the different torch vapes that I use on my water piece; tempest, revolve, simrell...
I've wondered about it myself.

Part of it is screen size / type, and part of it is that when you draw through water, the pull is greater than if you were hitting the device natively. At least it is with me; I'm a DTL guy.

I adjusted to a coarse grind, and that helped somewhat, but an occasional scoobie still gets through. So I put ashcatchers up front, to keep my WPs a little cleaner.

I use my current daily driver in a combo method -- first heat up is native, 2nd one is through the WP. Same bowl. I've never gotten a scoobie natively with it. Yet, I can see the crap in my ashcatcher, from the follow-up hits.

The last thing I tried was to lift my tongue in front of the incoming airpath, when I was drawing natively. I figured that if there was incoming, my tongue might at least feel it as I was trying to draw. Now, when I was using a Dynavap, this did happen once or twice, but it was around the time that I swapped it out as a daily. I do know the openings in my DV screens are larger than what's in my kitted Anvil. (And it's never happened yet, with the Anvil, btw)

There was another benefit to putting my tongue in the airflow path -- *much* better flavor, and momentarily lasts on the tip of the tongue, at the end. So I continue to do this.

TL; DR: I think the extra force of drawing through water drags an occasional scoobie through.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies.

Vapviking, I think you're correct here. Condensed vapour is what it seems to be. Thats what It looks like, and it can't be anything else other then water, or weed. Add heat, and I guess you end up with sticky gooey stuff, possibly condensed terps?

Bakin4life-I typically use a course grind, but lately it's been more of a fine grind, so that could be something I can change. So do you think that sometimes you could be getting some debris coming though when you hit natively? Like, do you think that it might be hitting the back of your tongue but since it's a condensed form, maybe you dont feel it? The only reason I ask, is because sometimes after vaping I get a little wheezy, and feel like I have mild asthma., then it eventually passes.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
That's from going through the water, normal, you can slow it by using better dropdown adapters, distilled water, cranberry extract
Shit Snacks,
Bakin4life-I typically use a course grind, but lately it's been more of a fine grind, so that could be something I can change. So do you think that sometimes you could be getting some debris coming though when you hit natively? Like, do you think that it might be hitting the back of your tongue but since it's a condensed form, maybe you dont feel it? The only reason I ask, is because sometimes after vaping I get a little wheezy, and feel like I have mild asthma., then it eventually passes.
(fyi... I may sound authoritative, but... I am *not* an MD)

I don't get debris through the Anvil's screen, natively. I did, through the Dynavap screens, twice that I can remember.
Even if a scoobie slips through, and you *know* it went down the windpipe... your body has mechanisms to expel (or absorb) an occasional *small* item (like a dirt speck) that you might accidentally ingest into your lungs.

Note: emphasis on 'small' (and preferably organic, like dirt, or a tiny bit of cannabis plant). It takes a little time to be expelled / absorbed; it's not instantaneous. So don't breathe in scoobies on the regular :)

The wheeziness / asthmatic feeling is not from particle ingestion. It's from vapor ingestion :) It happens with me, occasionally, as well. Best I can tell you is that you're probably making efficient use of your bud, because I know that's a priority for me... lol. If you're not already physically active... you'll probably need a bit of extra aerobic activity, if you're going to keep vaping on the regular.

That's from going through the water, normal, you can slow it by using better dropdown adapters, distilled water, cranberry extract
I didn't mention this in my earlier post, but that's another reason I use ashcatchers -- distilled water.
I'll have to look into the cranberry extract.

And the other reason I quoted you... I fucking adore Pam 🐬


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's the same reclaim you get in dry vapes, but as it condenses in the water it gets emulsified with water and looks lighter/whiter.


Well-Known Member
The water catches some of the waxes and lipids from within the leaf

I add cranberry extract and citric acid to my water to break that stuff up (down?), eat the limescale, make it non stick, and make it acidic to inhibit bacterial growth - after reading a few threads about it here on FC


Well-Known Member
There probably are some constituents of the vapor that get captured by the water that would otherwise end up in your mouth. People talk about how terpenes and cannabinoids aren’t water soluble, yet used filter water somehow smells used.

I’m not so worried about those ending up in my lungs as much as I am about solid plant particles.

Luckily, you can use a dry bubbler with a slitted perc (or anything with smaller holes) which acts as a decent filter once it’s been used a bit. Once you have a coat of resin in there all the plant particles just end up stuck to the glass and never make it to your mouth
The water catches some of the waxes and lipids from within the leaf

I add cranberry extract and citric acid to my water to break that stuff up (down?), eat the limescale, make it non stick, and make it acidic to inhibit bacterial growth - after reading a few threads about it here on FC
(on edit: found t-dub's post on this... I'm good to go. Thx, fam)

I'm new to this site, so I'll have to do some exploring. I'm gathering that if you're detailing that much about the benefits, that you aren't constantly cycling out the water / additives on a constant basis. That, I'm interested in. Because if you're spending $ on additives (& water), you want to make the most of the investment (small though it may be). And reduce needed cleaning cycles, of course.
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Well-Known Member
It's all cheap stuff. I use about 3 drips of cranberry extract and an 8th of a teaspoon of the citric acid crystals
You can see the particles and waxes build up and smell terps in the water, with use
Not sure if it's the terps or the waxes or what but the water holds more bubbles with use too
Cleanups are definitely quicker for me with no salt build up to clean, I just swish hot washing up water round with my bendy brushes (when I can), rinse, dry, and refill
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