Vaping Other Herbs

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THANK YOU in advance for lending me your advice. I sincerely appreciate anything you guys can tell me!

I am new to the site and have a couple questions regarding vaping- and possibly the magic launch box vaporizer.

I am a 5 cigarette a day smoker. I would like to replace, or cut back, or use a vape when i do not have time to go out for a smoke or dont want to actually have one, or smell like one.

I have tried snus, the e cig, and other substitutes. NOTHING has worked, as i need something to replace one or two cigs throughout the day (i have to go 4+ hours without) and get cravings, dizzy, cant think, angry, etc.

I have spoken to a few people on the forum about this. Here are my questions:

Can i put cigarette tobacco (basically a grinded cig) into a magic launch box for a quick few hits to kill the craving or HOPEFULLY replace the entire thing?

I heard that its stronger in the vape so i would need less, but is it going to actually feel like a replacement or something different?

I dont care about the buzz, I just want to vape one instead of smoke one!!

Is the magic launch box worth the purchase? I need something portable, quick, and small.

What will i smell like AFTER the fact? How long does it take to vape?

does anyone here having any tobacco vaping experience? Ever heard of someone going from cigs to a vape (with real tobbaco, and not nicottine liquid? Im a non-believer- i feel like its more of a mental thing if it works and I am not on the same page!)



I've tried some cig tobacco in mine and it does work. I'm not hooked on smoking but I was at one time and I believe it would work pretty good and it does take a lot less. Just be sure to clean it offten for tar build up. Good luck
Sorry AG didn't want to mess with the wrong forum- im new and dont know the rules, if you want me to close one down I will!
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