Vaping In Non Smoking Rentals /SoCal SAN DIEGO

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Well-Known Member
I am curious to know how you apply the oil. Do you use an oil burner or just dab some on the carpet /couch etc ?

you can dilute with water and put in a atomiser spray perfume bottle... then squirt it around.

or yeah undiluted in a candle oil burner or something.

chances are that smell will linger long after the vape smell has gone.


Authorized Buyer
When I'm done with a Nano hit, I turned the heat down to 1, put on the Solo aromatherapy bowl, and place a couple essential oils drops in it. This way I can keep the Nano out and ready, and it creates a nice scent. Anyone who sees it, and the essential oil bottles next to it, is satisfied enough about the Nano being a pretty aromatherapy device.


A taste on the tongue
Deny you've vaped anything I'm guessing it's legal where you live (I'm not American) if so say you just opened a jar let's face it most good samples have the smell that lingers on it own.

Best way to kill the smell is burn some toast though that's probably illegal nowadays:rofl:


New Member
Microwave popcorn is my answer to masking the smell, pop a bag and nobody smells anything else for hours.
So True! I used this trick daily back in the day when I lived in the dorms. Fat tokes,pop some popcorn, and the RA won't smell anything but popcorn and buttery goodness for hours!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I have an oil diffuser. It works really well, you put water along with the oil. I didn't know that at first. You only need to have it going for a few minutes. I have several oil sents. This is melon that I have in this one. You never know when the nosey neighbor may come around.


New Member
I have an oil diffuser. It works really well, you put water along with the oil. I didn't know that at first. You only need to have it going for a few minutes. I have several oil sents. This is melon that I have in this one. You never know when the nosey neighbor may come around.

Thanks for the pic and info Carol! I am doing some shopping tonight to hopefully help my situation but I'll definitely be looking for one of these! Never hurts to have some more glass lying around either :)

It seems just by looking at the oil diffuser the candle flame wouldn't even heat up the dish above at all, but I'm assuming it does a pretty good job despite how it looks?


Well-Known Member
Op, I think you're overthinking this.

Yes vapes do have a slight odor, but as everyone else has already stated, it doesn't linger very long. Use air fresheners, popcorn, open window, etc, and problem solved. Trust me, I vape in hotels that are non-smoking all the time. I could provide so many examples of vaping and not having problems due to odor.

Use a bit of caution and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I have decided to be honest when approaching realtors. If someone doesn't feel comfortable renting to a MMJ user than fine I shouldn't be in that building. The hiding is fine for a little while but eventually it will bite me on the ass. Pot isn't taboo anymore and for C' Sake CA invented MMJ.

If you have the money to own a house then you are good to go but if you don't you can be evicted for it in a rental situation. That's awful and far from being compassionate.

What if I wanted to light up a jay at some point...then what ?

NYC is god awful too yet we don't have the Govt coming into our living rooms just yet. Also NY'ers are very closed off as it is. YOU DON'T interfere with other neighbors personal lives...meaning if you smell a little weed you STFU because making a big deal out of it can get you into trouble or start a war.

I have emailed a few realtors and if they can't accommodate me I will just continue going to Tijuana regardless and maybe look into a condo or share situation down there for 6 months out of the year.

I do appreciate the responses on this thread. They have been extremely helpful in helping me make my decision.
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Ruler of all things person
Whoa buddy.

I think that if you want the ultimate stealth hitter you need to get an O Pen Vape or one of the look alikes.

I've used that thing heavily and only when I blew the smoke directly at someone's face did they say they smelled it.

The smoke is not noticeable, think it goes away in 5 seconds. I hope this helps you and you come to So Cal OP.

Oh yeah, if you don't like the watered down PG stuff that O Pen sells then you can just re-use the cartridges with weed oil, which is much stronger.

You will need to take two or three hits to feel medicated at least since it doesn't produce huge clouds.


yep ive vaped in every hotel room ive stayed in for the last 4 + years. most were non smoking rooms. hot had any problems. that said i was still careful. ie I wouldn't box the main room or if i had the option i'd open a window.

not exactly the same, but i wanted to add my 2c


Well-Known Member
Here is my 2 cents. Similar as Ratchett. It smells, but doesnt linger. My none smoking friends let me vape in their cars with the window a little open. They smell it a bit when i vape, but nothing lingers. Never left a trace after 30+min or so. Thats level 5 (200 degree celcius) on my solo.

I have an hypothesis that benzenes and cancerous stuff from smoking, and trace amounts when high temp vaping, are the lingering molecules that causes lingering smells.
Welcome to the site!

Just my :2c:

The volcano might have been the gold standard years ago, but it is no longer the most beloved vape around this thread ha ha ha

I'm a recent convert to vaping (4 months since fucking combustion!). I vape constantly in my house. My wife has the nose of a hound dog. When I vape in the mornings she will come out of the bedroom and bitch about the smell (even with windows open). Of course I take huge rips from my nano - milking my bubbler with pure vapor, and i have my own detached home, so I have no neighbors to worry about - just a wife with a sensitive nose!

Vaping does smell, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The difference is how long the smell lingers. I can have a long session and fill my living room with vapor. If I leave the house and come back 5 minutes later, I can smell it. But if I leave for 30 minutes or an hour and come back, I can't detect any trace of the smell even when looking for it


Well-Known Member
vaping AND smoking together no good for me... a switch to only vaping is proving very beneficial indeed and the solo seems to deliver the goods. this stuff is medicinal i tell ye!

no carbon monoxide either so a bonus. helps with going on hikes.
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Out to lunch
What if I wanted to light up a jay at some point...then what ?
Nothing's worse, odor wise, than a joint/blunt due to the constant sidestream smoke. Pipes and bongs aren't even close under normal smoking conditions. Vapor and the associated odor dissipate considerably quicker than smoke, and the odor is different too, and less of it. A lot of pot smokers don't even recognize a lingering vapor odor as coming from mj. Control the size of your hits and therefore the amount of vapor you exhale, and odor should be little to no problem.

thisperson said:
I've used that thing heavily and only when I blew the smoke directly at someone's face did they say they smelled it.
There is no smoke unless you're smoking. If you're using a vaporizer, you're vaping and producing vapor. If you're gonna get with fucking combustion, get with the lingo. ;)


Well-Known Member
so here's what you do. you politely ask your landlord if it's ok for you to vaporize hemp in your home. explain you use a vaporizer to extract the essential ingredients of cannabidiol and other compounds. vaporizing hemp is completely legal in most places.


Well-Known Member
Ansel you are spot on. I actually sent an apartment complex I was interested in an email today. Me and you are on the same page ! I can't afford to have something go wrong. My situation doesn't permit it.

In this day and age I feel it is our duty to make people realize that we aren't criminals or a troubling crowd to have around. Maybe he is looking for "honest" tenants like myself.

Well Done.

This is a message I was going to post earlier :

Well I just sent an email to the leasing office of the building I was looking at. These guys seemed really cool when I was there so I am anxious to read their response.

I was completely upfront. Legal MJ is legal MJ. We can't fear it anymore.

The response I get should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Ansel you are spot on. I actually sent an apartment complex I was interested in an email today. Me and you are on the same page ! I can't afford to have something go wrong. My situation doesn't permit it.

In this day and age I feel it is our duty to make people realize that we aren't criminals or a troubling crowd to have around. Maybe he is looking for "honest" tenants like myself.

Well Done.

This is a message I was going to post earlier :

Well I just sent an email to the leasing office of the building I was looking at. These guys seemed really cool when I was there so I am anxious to read their response.

I was completely upfront. Legal MJ is legal MJ. We can't fear it anymore.

The response I get should be interesting.

and of course emphasise it is NOT smoking. you are merely "heating" the hemp in a flower extractor and inhaling it or something like that. it's all about the cbd hemp.


Well-Known Member
I rent as well in CA, and we are not allowed to combust indoors where I rent. There's no rules about vaporizing and they allow for medicinal mj use outdoors, so long as it is 30 feet from the buildings and you are not "loitering", and as long as it's NOT between the hours of 10 pm to 6 am. Which is weird. That one pissed me off. That's when I medicate. So I have no other choice than to vape indoors.

Vaped cannabis can smell fairly strong, but dissipates quickly. Most people just don't want anyone combusting inside of their property because it could cause damage or a fire. I would just be clear that you do not plan on smoking indoors. They should be cool with it, if not find a new place.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I rent as well in CA, and we are not allowed to combust indoors where I rent. There's no rules about vaporizing and they allow for medicinal mj use outdoors, so long as it is 30 feet from the buildings and you are not "loitering", and as long as it's NOT between the hours of 10 pm to 6 am.

Good luck!

Thank You for your response. I wouldn't last one day with those rules.

I hate NYC but I guess it could be worse.

Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
bro... lemongrass oil masks it perfectly. Dilute with water and put in a atmoiser perfume bottle off ebay. shake before use (as the oil will separate from the water).

be careful not to over scent the room - two squirts is suffice.

also, have the window open and blow your vape towards it.

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Well-Known Member
I haven't received a response from the landord so I assume they aren't wild about the vaping.

It seems to me that a lot of people are signing no smoking leases and are doing it anyway. I can see this working in a cool building with a relaxed vibe. Technically however you did sign a no smoking lease which could result in a breach of contract if the complainer is a hard ass. That could result in a fine eviction or a law suit. Someone would have to feel comfortable living under those conditions knowing they could be evicted without argument. Why would you purposely do that to yourself unless you had to ? In my case I don't....but it's killing me because I REALLY like the idea of living in SD:ugh:

A real estate agent mentioned looking into a stand alone townhouse rental. I will look around the next time I go down but in a real estate market like SD that is extremely limiting.

Owning a home or town home is the way to go in SD.


Well-Known Member
Well, if the lease says no smoking; should be ok no? If they dont want weed consumption, they will say it as well. It was specified in an aquintance's lease, no smoking mj inside AND outside on the balcony in British Columbia. So if the lease says no smoking, but aint talking about vaping and mj, you aint breaking any specified rules.

And nobody will know in 15 min or so. I did extensive testing with my solo on level 5/200 celcius with non vaping friends.
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