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Just my
The volcano might have been the gold standard years ago, but it is no longer the most beloved vape around this thread ha ha ha
I'm a recent convert to vaping (4 months since fucking combustion!). I vape constantly in my house. My wife has the nose of a hound dog. When I vape in the mornings she will come out of the bedroom and bitch about the smell (even with windows open). Of course I take huge rips from my nano - milking my bubbler with pure vapor, and i have my own detached home, so I have no neighbors to worry about - just a wife with a sensitive nose!
Vaping does smell, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The difference is how long the smell lingers. I can have a long session and fill my living room with vapor. If I leave the house and come back 5 minutes later, I can smell it. But if I leave for 30 minutes or an hour and come back, I can't detect any trace of the smell even when looking for it