dark green and a bit of yello ?
Well thats your nose if you ask me
! There is one very simple homeopathic solution for your problem.. + something that will help you fight nasal infections on a regular basis..
.. 2-3 % water solution of some good salt.. Himalayah salt is the best i've found sofar.. What i do is that i put a spoon in jar 0.5 l with warm water.. and stir till fully dissolved.
Flush your nose and gargle your throat few times daily . I drop some using a straw (dipped in the jar and tapped on the other end to hold the liquid, then release to drop in nose) ..
If your issues is/includes the lungs then you need just some salt inhalation.. I personally have a himalaya salt inhaler but it can be done with any stove and cooking vessel or sea salt inhaler. This is just great for former smokers and asthmatics .
Note that if you are flushing your nose.. There might be some old blood and other old colorful stuff to be cleaned out with the secretion.. It is normal ,don't worry
That is just something that has been there for years ,it is not a new bleed caused by salt or smth. Old Blood stuff cleans up in 2-3 days . Also if you have done/do a fair amount of snorting.. whatever there will be more old blood.. I had a friend that wrecked his nose for 6 years.. and i introduced him to the flush..
Man... he was claiming that he was getting high when flushing his nose.. He said :That this is a an awesome way to get "in the game".. when you out of ..
.. LOL