
Well-Known Member
Hello to all the FC community

the doctor just diagnosed me asthma so quitting smoking is the first thing I have to do I was wondering if vaping is
safe for my health.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Hello to all the FC community

the doctor just diagnosed me asthma so quitting smoking is the first thing I have to do I was wondering if vaping is
safe for my health.

Thanks in advance

I've had asthma for, oh, close to 50 years now and previously had smoked weed for years though thankfully I never got into the nicotine habit. Stopped all smoking for health reasons, high blood pressure, pre-diabetic etc. maybe 10 years ago. When I was smoking I would get bronchitis and inflammation maybe once a year, so yeah combustion was BAD for me.

Then two years ago I resumed medicating with THC and CBD again. I've been vaping only dry herb for the last two years (and so I cannot comment on concentrates, oil etc.) but I've had ZERO asthma incidents ever since I started on the vaporizer.

Not only that, the vaping seems to relax and open up my lungs and works as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant. Blood pressure seems to have gone down too, maybe due to an absence of the toxic combustion by-products?

YMMV but I think you'll be OK.


Arizer Air Aficionado
Hello to all the FC community

the doctor just diagnosed me asthma so quitting smoking is the first thing I have to do I was wondering if vaping is
safe for my health.

Thanks in advance

So I have had mild asthma since birth, I am now 22 and my asthma is essentially cured.

From the age of 17 I smoked cigarettes and smoked joints and my asthma got worse. Around 2 years ago I quit smoking fags and started running and it started to improve. 1 year ago I quit the joints, got a vape and since then my asthma has basically gone.

So yea if you want to speed up the process combine quieting smoking with exercise and it will really help your chest. I don't think vaping has a negative affect. I used to take my preventative inhaler morning and night, now I only have to take it if I am around long haired animals. They were always my worst trigger, cold air also used to get me, but that has 90% gone now.

If I'm not around animals I can go months without taking my inhaler.

Good luck with it :)


Well-Known Member
I have had asthma for 20 years, recently, it got much, much worse. I preface my reply that way because I am about to be somewhat of a jerk.

You are new and i do not want to turn you off to this site, because it is awesome, but please tell me you did a search (don't be a lazy stoner) first and read through these threads and did not find your answer before starting a completely new thread? 3 or 4 of them are in the same forum in which you posted and the others are in the medical discussion forum.

It is courtesy to start a new thread only if your answer could not be found in a search. I myself re-awakened a two years silent thread to ask a new question. I believe that is acceptable.

If you are in a legal state, then asking your doctor is one step, although so many are still buying and drinking th kool-aid on cannabis, that may not help either. But, your doc should know that you use. You can, as I have done, play down the amount you use, so they do not remand you to some sort of detox (I use daily throughout the day) but the doc should be aware you do it. The main exceptions would be in the case of medicare/aid and veteran's affairs docs. I say that because I fear how much information may be shared with the gov't (yes, I am paranoid) in cases like that.

At any rate, check out these threads, there may be useful info for you. I definitely have read through of some of them myself.

If you go to vaping your ciggies - avoid some flavors, do a search, I think some of the flavors contain a suspicious ingredient (say what? Big tobacco is putting cancer-causing stuff in a consumable? No!). I think there are a couple of threads about people stopping smoking completely being helped by vaping cannabis. But I did not search for that.
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My Mind Is Free
Just avoid any e-juice with diacetyl in it, which is in a good majority of the flavorings. I think the ones adding terps are probably a better choice?

On topic: Vaping with asthma is definitely a much better choice.
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