Alright guys I got my Cloud in today yay!

I planned to not even try it out till this weekend but after opening, it was to hard to resist. I'm going to go ahead and give you guys my first thoughts on a few things. Fyi it's very hard to think right now haha
Packaging - I don't know if anyone will even care for details on this but just in case i'll go ahead and comment. Upon opening the box it has bubble wrap surrounding every side of the box. Then in the middle of that you have a smaller box which contains the Cloud and Hydratube which are both then wrapped in even more bubble wrap.
Heat up Time & Sound
I timed my unit with the stop watch on my phone and at the noon position it took 6 min & 30 secs to go green. The unit certainly makes a buzzing sound that has been talked about, it kind of sounded like a clock ticking at first. To me the sound is not loud at all, I can't see it being a problem for anyone.
It has been said many times the outside of the unti does get hot. Right at about an hour of being on I took temp reading of the Cloud using a little infrared temp gun. The enclosure itself was reading around 105F to 106F, not enough to cause any discomfort. The screws on the Cloud read 118F so if you intently press your fingers on these they do get hot enough to cause discomfort (for me atleast) When I pick up the Cloud for use, my hands don't even land on the screws so I don't see it being a problem.
Aesthetics & Hydratube
Upon unwrapping the Cloud I realized it was much smaller than I thought from the pictures. This however is a plus since a smaller unit is obviously easier to hold. I went with the Vertigo hydratube since I already own a SGW showerhead. The Vertigo looks great and is a great size as well and compliments the cloud nicely. I will point out my cloud had a small nick on one of the front edges of the enclosure. Yea some will say it's nick picking while others may be bothered my something like this... personally I can live with it.
Taste/Performance I almost don't even want to comment on this yet. So far I've only taken 3 draws, one of which was just a minute ago. The first hit I had the cloud resting on my pant leg for the first few seconds before realizing my dumb mistake and rasing it for the remainder. This resulted in not a lot of visible vapor production and nothin amazing taste wise. The second hit was even smaller because honestly I was already medicated from the first. The third hit I decided to up my draw speed half way through and volia a noticable increase in visible vapor and taste. I'm so use to hitting my ssv and using a slow draw speed because of the heat fluctuations and gives me the biggest hits. Obviously the Cloud overcomes this and you can use a much faster and stronger draw speed which will in turn give you bigger hits. I'm sure I can take much bigger hits then even my last one but honestly I'm almost uncomfortably medicated haha. This thing is very effective at what it does and even with small hits it extracts the compounds tremendously well. For me that first small hit from the cloud got me further then 2 big rips from my ssv/waterpipe combo ever has.
My Cloud is #29
Umm idk what else... I just need to post this because it's taking way to long lol
I'm sure i'll add more later.
This is what you see upon opening the first box
Then you have the cloud and hydratube