You clear it by disconnecting the Cloud from the hydratube. They use male and female glass on glass connecting joints, similar to how a glass bowl fits into a glass downstem on many bongs. So you basically clear the tube by firmly holding the Cloud in one hand and firmly turn the hydratube with your other hand to release the GonG connection. Do I have this right, SM55? I love the simplicity of it, just like a bong, without the nasty lighter and smoke.Gatsby T Pig said:I have been following this product since mid-March. I also signed up for the email but they stopped a while ago. I read somewhere that the emails were bouncing but I never bothered to send in my email again. Like many other people I did not 'friend' the VXC facebook page for numerous reasons. As I have watched this vape, the more information that has been released the more excited I have become. I watched the three videos, checked out the website and have mostly read through the discussions here.
I went on a few trips in the last couple months and have been trying to stay abreast of the information. I only have two questions. I am almost positive someone else has asked the first one, I just can't find it... so, sorry in advance.
How do you clear the tube? I know there is no slide and I can see the vapor suddenly release as if there is a carb on the enclosure.(like I said, sorry)
Did the prices for preorder go up? I am still intending to purchase one of these models but I could have sworn they were less before my trips.
If these things are available in early September the timing will be perfect. I have some vacation coming to me and in an odd coincidence my family will be leaving on my birthday. It will just be me, my dog and the VXC making sexy time.
SM55, I have a question. I know you said earlier in the thread that the Cloud can vaporize solid hash but you said it doesn't do it exceptionally, similar to the vriptech heat wand. Do you think the Cloud could do hash oil (BHO)? With the temp knob, I think it's possible, but one would need to either use a piece of a cotton ball on top of the screen or a thin layer of ground buds (seen it recommended in another thread) to keep the oil from dripping through the screen and ruining it. A big plus that the Cloud has over my Da Buddha and other vapes is that it has greater heat retention, allowing for continuous vaporization at the intended temperature, which in theory sounds advantageous to vaping oils and solid hashes. I'm glad you guys chose to remove the temperature limiter, this could be helpful for oils because I know that they require a higher temp to fully vaporize compared to ground buds, but this all speculation and we won't truly know how well it performs with hashes until someone gives it a proper testing. (which is soon