I think SM deserves our trust and patience at this point. While the release has been extended further than initially expected, all we can do is wait at this point. I'm sure people's questions and concerns will be cleared up soon enough once you've received confirmation and/or when other users get an unit in their hands.
BigOlpul: SM's signature seems to offer the most up-to-date information with regards to release: "VapeXhale Cloud finalized, just waiting for inventory and then ready to ship!"
This is only a little off-topic but I personally vote that a new thread be started once users have their Clouds in hand or when an official drop has taken place. This thread is a great artifact of the progression and development of the Cloud and I think it deserves to stand on its own in this way. A new thread might offer more easily accessible information about the final product and its use as opposed to wading through a lot of "is it here yet?" comments. That decision is obviously up to the FC-present VXL team and/or the mods of course.
Big ups to VapeXhaleLabs.