I like Brite Labs 1:1 pods
So, I love my EVO, I have had nothing but good experiences with VXH, and I kind of dig Seibo's energy from the little I have seen in their promotional vids.
But let me ask this....is there any real secret sauce to this thing or is this yet another proprietary cart package?
That's what it seems to me. Aside from the smooth rive stone form factor....what is this thing besides a battery to lock you into proprietary carts....like the ERA.
I have box mods with auto-draw, locks, and fire buttons.....to run standard CCell type carts that I can buy from a wide array of brands in our Maryland MMJ program.
Where's the beef in this....what is the value proposition to the owner?
Here's a few initial usage impressions:
- You remove the cap to insert a pod or connect a micro-usb cable to charge the stone. After inserting the pod, you put the cap back and you take a pull off the tip of the cap. It surprises me that the cap has a opening for the tip of the pod and it isn't a cover. Makes me worry about leakage.
- There doesn't appear to be any temperature control, so it seems like there is only one temperature setting.
- I'm pretty impressed with cloud production. I haven't used my pax era in quite awhile (pod prices are just insulting), but it feels like the Stone easily outperforms the Era. That said, the jury is out in terms of how long a pod will last. I believe its .5g, but I don't know for sure. I thought that because of the height of the pod it might be holding a full gram and not a half, but after quick comparison to an Era pod, i think it may be the same amount. It doesn't appear to be refillable, but I could be wrong.
- There is almost zero draw resistance. It really impresses me how effortless it is to rip and get a huge cloud.
- The temp of the vapor is extremely cool. I felt no irritation on my throat at all. Pretty astounding.
- No idea what the heating element is, but it looks to be similar to Era pods with the wicks?
In my opinion, if they can price the pods a lot better than the Era, and/or have refillable pod options, I'm sold on this so far.
IMO there's no way the pods are gonna be any cheaper than an Era, how could they coming into the game with zero market share? I predict Hanu is gonna have the exact same problems as the Pax with distribution. The only way I see overcoming that is if they have exclusive pairings with processors to force people to purchase a Hanu to use really desired brands. Otherwise most people are gonna go for the cheaper Ccell option with the same oil, market share won't gain, and the prices won't fall, exactly what the Era has faced IMO.
What did you load in the CBD pod? Distillate? Would you consider refilling an Era pod with the same oil you put in the Hanu to directly compare side by side? It's extremely easy to refill, but refill syringes are nearly nonexistant in California so not really an option for most here.
Zero power options at all versus the Era's full suite seems pretty strange, surely there are some options or an app coming?
Can you post the weight of the Hanu versus the Era since you have both?
If it sounds like I'm a fan of the Era, I am! But pod availability, and lack of options in pods such as live sauce (which the Hanu Stone seems more catered to) have me somewhat interested. I know Beezle is gonna be doing pods which is exciting as their sauce pens are fantastic.
What is the small cable for. Micro usb one end but the other end what is that
I just ended up using my usb 2.0 phone charging animal to start the charging.
What do you put the power end into. I dont have a charger that I can put it into it is too wide.The power end is a standard type-A, the device end is micro-B.
If youre talking about the era/juul i think its a good thing. theyre so easy to lose and fall out of pockets easily. Wish they had. gps trackersIt looks pretty bulky compared to the Pax, definitely interested to hear more thoughts on it though.
What is the CBD pod for? Distillate? Whats the heating element made of? I'm thinking it's going to be a while before anyone breaks one open, but inquiring minds are likely curious!
Isnt it the extracts companies and dispensaries that price the era pods? it will most likely be priced the same if you can only get prefilled podsIn my opinion, if they can price the pods a lot better than the Era, and/or have refillable pod options, I'm sold on this so far.
. . . Isnt it the extracts companies and dispensaries that price the era pods? it will most likely be priced the same if you can only get prefilled pods