When I went to Jamaica last year, switching back to combustion for the trip was the worst part, it left me feeling like I had a horrible head cold the entire trip. I was so stuffed up I couldn't smell the lush greens or the clean sea, and it blocked a lot of the smells and tastes of foods. It was very unsatisfactory, I spent the whole time wishing I had tried to bring my pax.
So this year I had two trips planned, and I decided to try bringing my pax. On the first trip, from Toronto to Florida, I was called into secondary security and made to wait quite a while, but I knew it had nothing to do with my pax, as I hadn't even checked my luggage yet, and since I never bring anything illegal with me, I had an easy wait. The brownie I had in the taxi to the airport probably helped with that too. The pax was sparkling clean with the battery completely drained and packed in with a mix of other small electronics and feminine products, (just for the wtf factor), and the mouthpiece was in my carry on, and both parts came though without a problem. On the way back, from the US to Canada, again it was sparkling clean and drained and the two pieces traveled separately and had no problem crossing the border.
Next I went back to Jamaica, and this time no security detention, and again, no problem traveling with a clean pax with the parts separated. Also this time, my friend brought her pax too, packed the same way. It was much better vaping than smoking, I wasn't sore and snotty, and the high was far more satisfactory than the last time. Coming back, I again consumed a potent snack on the way to the plane, (thank you Rastas!), and I washed that snack down with an extra strong tea brewed by the Rastas. Which is why, after doing a less than spectacular job of cleaning them both, I forgot to separate mine and put half in my checked luggage. I didn't realize until it was too late that my entire pax was in my purse, at least the battery was drained and the mouthpiece wasn't attached so it couldn't accidentally turn on.... And of course, my pax and I made it through security and customs no problem, (mon).
I have to say, I would travel with it again anytime, it makes a great traveling companion.