Hello dear vapourists,
I just came back from that trip and would like to give some feedback on what went on...
We were that group of 2 boys and 3 girls, long haired, tatooed, who ate some space cake right before the first checkpoint to board the plane, carrying 10+ surfboards (which usually raise suspicious eyes), lots of food (which is forbidden to get into the foreign country we went to), a SOLO (one brought the device, other the glass tube) and a VG coil (disassembled into all pieces possible and spread into different backpack pockets).
The border control's so messy (sometimes I feel like I am lucky to live in the "3rd world" part of our planet...) that they did not find anything apart from a wax bar which was in the latest board pack that went through X-ray!!!
I feel like I deserve an Oscar prize, for acting and started saying something like: "this is not my boardbag, those're that girl's boards, maybe she brought some food by mistake!!", and they started asking why I was bringing someone else's bag and started opening and investigating it completely to find nothing (of course), but I insisted they should look anyways, that we did not know about it and maybe some fruit was there by mistake....
While there, we were gifted some local flowers, which for them is natural (polinesian people do not accept the foreign country that's supposed to be their land, they respect their own laws, and the police knows it and let them grow their plants at home and smoke wherever they want to) and we were very happy vaping organic flowers either with the SOLO (most of the times) and the coil (thanks STU!!! I always remember your generosity when I use it!) mostly while at home recharging the solo.
On the way back, we left the glass tube over there, but I brought the coil disassembled and into different pockets (the same way it went over there) not very well cleaned, and even one "landrace seed".
The federal agent from my local country checkpoint asked what was in my bag, and I felt I would have some trouble, only to notice that the next guy from the line right behind me threw his bag over mine (probably to have the agents Xray view confused), and they noticed that, apologized and let me go, but asked the guy (who was coming from the US and bringing tons of electronics, probably) to stay there and open up his bags.
So, my conclusion, is that people travelling around South America should not worry too much to carry on vapes on their bags, it's really easy to come and go. I believe they would only stop someone bringing a huge pack of flowers, but some small residue left in vape parts (if any, that was my case, just small particles) does not bring any attention at all.
Take care everyone, travel safe and vape on!