Vape alone or with others?


Well-Known Member
Do most of you vape alone or with others? Do you think vaping alone for stretches of time(weeks for instance) is healthy? Do you run errands after vaping ? Can you converse with strangers(unaware of your vakedness) with reasonable confidence?

I pretty much always vape alone, so I try not to vape for stretches at a time or I start to feel isolated and down. I'd like to know how you guys do your thing.


Well-Known Member
I vape alone and I'm totally fine with that.

I don't run errands after vaping because I vape at a time at night where I don't have to run errands and is one of the main reasons why I choose to vape at that time.

Regarding conversing with strangers, yes, I do it with reasonable confidence, but I'd prefer not to and would much rather converse with those I know.

Edit: On second thought, conversing with strangers is perfectly fine. As a matter of fact, I think I enjoy conversing with strangers when I'm a bit vaped is more enjoyable than when I'm not vaped.

A lot of this depends on how vaped you really are.


Well-Known Member
I vape alone for the most part, but I usually have the company of my best bud Kelsey at least once a week :)

I have been known to run errands while vaked, especially since I either walk or take public transit everywhere! I find grocery shopping a tad bit more inspiring under Mary Jane's influence! Haha

I have a perfectly alright time talking to strangers when I'm vaked. I may even have an easier time speaking to those that I don't know since when I'm sober I am somewhat shy and reserved.

But I do have to agree with lwien on how it depends on level of vakedness. I know if I am buzzing something fierce and I look cheesier than a mofo I hate to be seen in public because it seems like everyone knows maaan. lol

As far as a feeling of isolation, I do get that sometimes because I live and get high alone for the most part. But I've learned to replace loneliness with my music!


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I do both, same as I did when I used combustion.

Recreational users marijuana often associate marijuana with ritual. Often, a big part of that ritual is sharing. I always preferred smoking with others over going solo. For a long time when I first started I wouldn't smoke alone, but I gradually broke myself of that habit. Since I started vaping I've only shared with my wife, but I think that I would enjoy vaping with a group. I enjoy the company of stoned people.

I avoid being ripped if I know I will have to drive. Aside from that I have no problem with doing errands while vaked. I also have no problem interacting with straight people, friend or stranger. I've gotten pretty good at behaving straight. Even my wife can rarely tell if she doesn't know what I've been doing.


Well-Known Member
I like to vape with others IF they already know how to use it. Its no where near as relaxing when I have to teach someone who is new to vapor and vaporizers, although teaching it can be enjoyable in its own way.

I can run errands while vaked, depending on how much I used, what kind of strain, what I have to do, time of day, etc. But usually if the conditions are at least decent then I can get my daily tasks done without issues. Talking to strangers is often difficult for me either way(for personal reasons I wont delve into here), but I do find that with the right strain that is made much easier(but there are still many variables so it depends).


Well-Known Member
I start when i get up and go till I go to bed, pretty much every day. 95% of the time by myself. Company is always nice. None of my friends vape. they just dont get it...or they are too cheap. I mean they wont even spend $50....


Well-Known Member
I vape alone at home, and I often vape/smoke with friends
sometimes we vape together or smoke together, but also often I'll vaoe while they combust(a joint with tobacco, I don't like tobacco)
depends on the sitaution wich

I can function really well high(in some cases even much better, for example I think a lot more high so anything that involves mental activity I'm much better at high, also weed makes me look with both eyes so I gain, unconscieusly, depth perception, also my range of vision is widened a lot since I have the range of an extra eye)
if I have to act sober that's no problem at all, on the outside I can appear sober the only thing is I maybe replace or forget a word easier, since in my head my thoughts are racing

so since I know beinh high is almost never a problem for me I just get hogh when I like to, often errands(or other things that have to be done) are done while high since being high stimulates me to do such things, while sober I'm lazy and procastriate much more
I'm also often high in public, this also has to do with the places I smoke/vape with friends(in the closest city where most of them live, in sumer we usually sit in the park, now in winter we either sit inside someones house or go to a sort of restaurant wich has a balcony as smoking room with a roof, so dfar only once a srver has come to us and strangely it worked when my friend who has holding the joint said it was just tobacco in a long rolling paper, he didn't even look at my VG wich was laying before me on the table)


Well-Known Member
I'm no good in public. It's usually all too much, the lights, sounds, people. My mind tries to understand it seperately and all at once... Im an empathic person and marijuana greatly amplifies that. The same for vaping with company. Its overwhelming to feel everyone's emotions. The exception is someone with an even emotional baseline.

I have one rule for talking to people unaware of my vakedness: say as little as possible :lol: If I try to say more than one sentence I will rabbit trail and never find my way back. If I've been talking for 6 seconds I will try to finish my thought quickly.

Noone I know vapes. I met this aquaintence about 3 years ago that did vape... I think he had a voodoo. To be honest I think using a vape adds an extra layer of legitimacy to my actions because smoking seems more crude in comparison. I guess the logic goes "because I am using a vaporizer I am a reasonable and functioning member of society." Not to say I consciously agree with that, but that feeling is there.

When I vape for an extended period of time I start to get down, but not so with edibles. I'm not a down kind of person. I mean, I don't mind feeling down if that's what I choose but I hate the sort of blah feeling I get after extended use.


Vapeosaurus Rex
For me, I really really enjoy vaping and chilling with others, but I try not to build activities around vaping because it is just something "extra". Idk...


Well-Known Member
I love it with good friends in small numbers.

This is one problem with cannabis: it tends to separate you from others because you have a secret. I don't know what the answer to that is, perhaps in future as legalization etc play out people will become more tolerant and we can come out of the closet. This actually is one of the nice things about this board - folks here understand the isolation/alienation this habit can produce.


Well-Known Member
Gunky said:
I love it with good friends in small numbers.

This is one problem with cannabis: it tends to separate you from others because you have a secret. I don't know what the answer to that is, perhaps in future as legalization etc play out people will become more tolerant and we can come out of the closet. This actually is one of the nice things about this board - folks here understand the isolation/alienation this habit can produce.

isn't that just your own mind? I never make a problem out of being high in public, and people either don't notice or don't care


Well-Known Member
I think that we over estimate how people- strangers- might react
if they found out we were vaked in public.
Vaping makes social interactions much easier than combusting.
Smoking always made me very paranoid as to my looks and smell.
Now I do not worry about it, and being around straight people is
funny and interesting eventhough I do find myself wanting to be alone,
so I can take another hit.
My job and coaching force me to be around people all the time, and
these situations are totally vaked free. :rolleyes:
80 % of the time I vape alone at home. :ko:


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know this is off topic, but I have to ask.

vapirtoo, from you avy, I'd guess you coach track. Is that true? Coaching is such a neat thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Busted! I've been doing it for 30 odd years and the kids are still
great. One of my best runners is now 25 and owns a LB. :lol:
We've had a few session together.


Nycdeisel said:
I like to vape with others IF they already know how to use it. Its no where near as relaxing when I have to teach someone who is new to vapor and vaporizers, although teaching it can be enjoyable in its own way.

I know what you mean about this - since I got my mflb and have been taking it with me when I go out with friends I've had to teach so many people. I'd say it was slightly harder to teach them to use it than my SSV anyway, but trying to do it in a bar/club with loud music and a lot of drunk people is very tiresome.
Like you say though teaching can be enjoyable in the right circumstances, I really like showing off the ssv's beauty or the mflb's simplicity to combusters.

Since I started vaping I've definitely begun to consume more alone than before - with friends and housemates who still favour combustion my desire to vape more and smoke less leads me to have to pop off to my room to have a SSV session or something. Of course it can still be social, but it's nowhere near to breaking the ritual (important for marijuana users as already mentioned) of the joint and everything that goes with it for most people I know. Maybe it's better with bag vapes or something, but I don't have one, and in the meantime I'm still trying to get everyone to buy vapes so I don't have to choose between smoking with company or vaping alone as much!


Well-Known Member
wilf789 said:
Nycdeisel said:
I like to vape with others IF they already know how to use it. Its no where near as relaxing when I have to teach someone who is new to vapor and vaporizers, although teaching it can be enjoyable in its own way.

I know what you mean about this - since I got my mflb and have been taking it with me when I go out with friends I've had to teach so many people. I'd say it was slightly harder to teach them to use it than my SSV anyway, but trying to do it in a bar/club with loud music and a lot of drunk people is very tiresome.
Like you say though teaching can be enjoyable in the right circumstances, I really like showing off the ssv's beauty or the mflb's simplicity to combusters.

Since I started vaping I've definitely begun to consume more alone than before - with friends and housemates who still favour combustion my desire to vape more and smoke less leads me to have to pop off to my room to have a SSV session or something. Of course it can still be social, but it's nowhere near to breaking the ritual (important for marijuana users as already mentioned) of the joint and everything that goes with it for most people I know. Maybe it's better with bag vapes or something, but I don't have one, and in the meantime I'm still trying to get everyone to buy vapes so I don't have to choose between smoking with company or vaping alone as much!

I know exactly where your coming from man, I wish there were as many other people who vaporize as who smoke, then I could have some more company. Its really difficult and often uncomfortable for me to smoke, so I usually opt for one of my few vaporizers, but not everyone has learned to enjoy it like I have, so I would like company maybe a bit more often, if I didnt have to sacrifice my vapor morals :lol:


danalee48 said:
I vape alone for the most part, but I usually have the company of my best bud Kelsey at least once a week :)

I have been known to run errands while vaked, especially since I either walk or take public transit everywhere! I find grocery shopping a tad bit more inspiring under Mary Jane's influence! Haha

I have a perfectly alright time talking to strangers when I'm vaked. I may even have an easier time speaking to those that I don't know since when I'm sober I am somewhat shy and reserved.

But I do have to agree with lwien on how it depends on level of vakedness. I know if I am buzzing something fierce and I look cheesier than a mofo I hate to be seen in public because it seems like everyone knows maaan. lol

As far as a feeling of isolation, I do get that sometimes because I live and get high alone for the most part. But I've learned to replace loneliness with my music!

"Music is the only religion that delivers the goods." - Frank Zappa

Back on thread - I tend to vape at night when I'm done with my responsibilities either with friends who drop by or by myself. By myself i tend to fall asleep fairly quickly.
With friends I'm lively and humorous.
I kind of dig wandering around Walgreen's when I'm mildly stoned, places like that.
Or the supermarket is always fun, especially the cereal aisle for the box artwork.
Sometimes when it's nice out I like to wander around the streets just watching the world with trip hop music on my iPod.
Basically how I feel is that my initial response to going out in the world when I'm high is somewhat negative - I don't want to, I'd rather stay in the comfort zone.
But once I'm out i feel good about it, in fact there's a value in being in the world while in a heightened state of consciousness even though your sensitivity level is enhanced.

In the old days there was an all pervading counter culture that supported this level of consciousness so it was great to be out and high.
You didn't want to miss it. It's different today so I understand why this is even a question.


rtwoite said:
I'm no good in public. It's usually all too much, the lights, sounds, people. My mind tries to understand it seperately and all at once... Im an empathic person and marijuana greatly amplifies that. The same for vaping with company. Its overwhelming to feel everyone's emotions. The exception is someone with an even emotional baseline.

I have one rule for talking to people unaware of my vakedness: say as little as possible :lol: If I try to say more than one sentence I will rabbit trail and never find my way back. If I've been talking for 6 seconds I will try to finish my thought quickly.

Noone I know vapes. I met this aquaintence about 3 years ago that did vape... I think he had a voodoo. To be honest I think using a vape adds an extra layer of legitimacy to my actions because smoking seems more crude in comparison. I guess the logic goes "because I am using a vaporizer I am a reasonable and functioning member of society." Not to say I consciously agree with that, but that feeling is there.

When I vape for an extended period of time I start to get down, but not so with edibles. I'm not a down kind of person. I mean, I don't mind feeling down if that's what I choose but I hate the sort of blah feeling I get after extended use.

You should read "the benefits of marijuana" by joan bello. She goes into what you're talking about and the negatives of dealing with the outside world in this state - our subjective
experience of that or our anxiety of what it will be like, etc., can be very very valuable and therapeutic if approached as such. As far as teaching others to vape or dealing with the
mainstream joint smoking world, I like that alot - I'm proud of my knowledge and toys and it's a great thing to turn people onto this. All aspects, the breathing, the stirring, etc.
Most people get it fairly quickly and love it. This one guy Oren and his girlfriend Cindy had only tried a volcano and he wasn't much impressed. I took out my used (bought through FC) vaporbox and he said - "this thing hits like a motherfucker!" But he kept turning the dial all the way up because he said that's how he likes it. No man that's not vapor, you're burning it. Cough,'s some water... Regardless, I'm not a vapor snob and I welcome the occasional joint passed this way.


rtwoite said:
I just read some exerpts at Definately some things in there I found insightful.

Just read through that as well and she certainly makes some insightful points about why people use marijuana.
She also makes a lot of fairly sweeping generalisations and seems to drop in scientific terms rather randomly.
While I wholeheartedly agree with the main thrust of the content, and I know it's not meant to be strictly academic in nature, it's not something I would feel comfortable citing as a source in a research piece for example. (Not that you meant it to be like that either though :peace: )

Quotes like: "the Vietnam War was the beginning of marijuana use in this country, since it was the first time a status and educational cross section of America was exposed to it" are either massively oversimplified or just plain wrong depending on which way you look at it too which really doesn't endear the author to a historian like myself (even if I understand the general point they were trying to make with such a statement).

Still, if you take it with a pinch of salt, it's definitely an interesting read while enjoying a vape!


Agreed. The author is on the right track but she's very one sided: "What DOESN'T it cure?" Considering she's a Ph.D I wonder if she's perhaps eaten one hash brownie too many.
Still, it's a valuable read.
Another book I'd recommend, in fact I think this is a much more important book on the topic of what hallucinogens like MJ and LSD do to you and for you and what one person did with that, is "Be Here Now" by Richard Alpert (Ram Dass).
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