'VAPANT' meaning urban dictionary


Well-Known Member
saw this

Utterly and completely devoid of meaning.
The president's speech was totally vapant.

tags #empty #vacant #devoid #nothing #nothingness

by Iconoclast99 September 25, 2006
votes 12 up 7 down

..but then theres this

the act of being completely completely inattentive whilst vaping

One who pays no attention to anything else whilst vaping

similar words vacant, vapid, vacuous, vape

as a VERB
Look at that idiot swerving between lanes, he's puffing away completely vapant

as a NOUN
That guy spends too much time smoking his e-cig, he's a vapant

by Codsworthy May 01, 2016
votes - 1 up 1 down

..personally i think i like definition 2..

wondering - what do other ppl think?

..it would only take a few votes from FC members to make it top definition..



Well-Known Member
Don't like either. Too negative. (flashing on the Pistols screaming pretty vacant)

I like it as a positive adjective with an obsessive connotation, like:
"Just fucked combustion. I've been vapant for months."


Well-Known Member
yea the pistols occurred to me after as well lol

something more positive sounds good

dyou mean
if you successfully switch to vape only - youre vapant

could be someone with great natural vaping skills - huge lung capacity say .. a vapant
(..like a savant)

..on the other hand ..i think im too stoned to come up with anything - sorry
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Well-Known Member
Yes, clouds, like a rampant savant!

Vapant: Adjective, describing a fierce devotion to vaporizing cannabis.
A truely vapant devotee becomes evangelical, convincing others to pursue a vapant lifestyle.
When you can't stop buying new vapes, you've gone totally vapant. No turning back.
If you're vaped and very drunk, vapant kinda/sorta looks/sounds like rampant, but not really.

Here's a heavily medicated lion with an attitude. A "rampant guardant" attitude. A mascot for vapant souls everywhere, a cheerful and vigilant defender against combustion.


Unfortunately, the fucking phonemes foil my favored formulation.
Vapant sounds too much like vacant.
And vacant sounds too much like my collection of sobriety coins.
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