Revolting Peasant
I wasn't going to waste any more time here, but wowthisisrmdoms comments about the digital display brought this website- Vaporizer Notes - to mind. I will share it anyway for other readers who are genuinely enquiring about this issue.
It's worth a look as it deconstructs a cheap simple vape and in the course of doing so reveals the ugly innards and discovers only 9 step settings for the heater- not the incremental degree precision that the digital display would have the user believe. Designs might have changed since, but as a case study example I think it's quite informative.
Short excerpt, note the warning;
Heaps more useful info if you follow the link.
It's worth a look as it deconstructs a cheap simple vape and in the course of doing so reveals the ugly innards and discovers only 9 step settings for the heater- not the incremental degree precision that the digital display would have the user believe. Designs might have changed since, but as a case study example I think it's quite informative.

Short excerpt, note the warning;
Feature issues
-There are really only 9 heat settings, of which only 4 are within the range of interest.
-There is no feedback allowing the unit to actually know what the temperature is, so the knob settings are fairly meaningless
Electrical/mechanical integrity and hazard issues
-The heater connectors are incorrect, barely making a connection
-The heater rod is not fixed in place inside the glass tube
-The fuse holder is improperly mounted, likely to precipitate breakage and electrical hazard
-Health issues (apart from above hazards)
-The air supplied to the user is drawn from within the plastic box and travels over the electronics likely to pick up outgassing from the heated plastic and electronics.
In the following article I disassemble the Easy Vape, and show it in operation while disassembled. DO NOT DO TRY THIS YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO WORK ON LIVE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT!
Unlike most other consumer electronic equipment, the Easy Vape has the absolute crudest of non-isolated power supply circuity which causes all circuitry in the unit to be at around 120V AC, even the low-voltage circuitry such as the microprocessor and digital display. (Logic ground is floating a few volts DC below 120V AC). If you are equipped to investigate with an oscilloscope, DO NOT attach the scope ground (or yourself) to any point in the Easy Vape again, the circuitry is not isolated from the 120 VAC mains.
Heaps more useful info if you follow the link.