Valentines Day Teaser - Pressed Hash + 1/2oz mids into butter

Volcano South

Well-Known Member
This is just a little teaser thread. I've got a pretty special day planned for my wife. This is our first Valentines day as a married couple.

I took the day off so I can do some chores and of course -- MAKE EXTRACTS.

Men, seriously, you have to do something special for your girl tomorrow. It doesn't matter what, it doesn't take money, it just takes soul. My wife would do anything for me and is just one of those hard-working down-to-ride-for-whatever kind of girls.

So, in celebration of this commercial holiday I've decided to make some hash from my lovely lady from my impressive collection of kief.

Not only that, but I've decided to take 1/2oz from the mids I picked up yesterday and make something sweet for my sweetie. She works hard, way harder than I do. I'm mostly a lazy fucker :rolleyes: and I hope the few things I really try hard to do something sweet she appreciates it.

So without further ado, here's what you clicked here for. PICTURES.









I'm going to update this thread tomorrow morning when I wake up and strain and cook with the butter.
Volcano South,


lurking kiwi

I didn't do shit for Valetines today ... after 18 years of wedded bliss the command unit know I love her ... and i don't have any weed to make an extract ;)

But fuk I had a class gig at the cafe tonight ... 10 couples all goey eyed with VC setting the tone with sweet tunes. Primo :cool:

Volcano South

Well-Known Member
This is what we did last night:


I'm in that photo, first guy on the left. Underground art party. Was pretty f'n amazing. I have no idea how I made it home....
Volcano South,


? & beyond
I'll allow you to be my valentine if I get a piece of that... :brow:

'underground art party'.... sounds awesome! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Well VS, this cake has undoubtedly a great look :cool:

I wish I could do the same thing because I like cooking .....and I like being in love with my valentine too ;).
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