Herbal Alchemist
weed said:I always try to seal a 'clump' if that makes sense rather than a thin layer (trying to limit surface area herbs<>plastic bag) but i know what your saying,, although haven't really experienced much of a problem there myself.. A friend of mine solely stores his in the freezer in normal glad bags, (due to the fact he once had a whole shit load go moldy), I guess if its not cured well (like his sometimes isnt when he gets it) it could loose a little potency (but I wouldn't expect a a big loss) but in saying that, the same "not cured properly" weed obviously wouldn't last long at all in a bag outside a freezer it could possibly go moldy in a month or less...
Ive also been told before glass is better than plastic because (as ive found over the years) the resin seem to magically fuse with the bags and after a while you have very milky white looking bags floating around.. As a habbit i always reuse the same bags over and over when sealing to avoid new bags getting caked, although dont know if this actually helps at all....
Maybe someone else that uses mason jars alot could tell us,, is it the same with jars after a while turning opaque almost because of sticky christals? I also dont know if static has anything to do with it so im just curious now...
That really bites, losing a large amount to mold. Fortunately, I have never had a problem with my herbs not being properly dried and cured. I still have a few desicant packs in the mason jar, though, just as a precaution.