Using the Ascent Vsporizer while it is charging for the first time


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if you can turn the Ascent on and burn off the newness before it is charged for the first time? Then can you use it while it is charging?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Batteries are typically shipped partially charged. Since there's two batteries, they may have slightly different levels since they were sitting for so long in the package. They recommend charging the first time for so long so that both battery cells can charge and reach a balanced state before you start to drain them.

The Ascent's charger is not a pass-through (IE, if your batteries are drained, the vape will not work even when plugged in). So no, I would say do NOT turn it on while it's charging the first time - let it fully charge before doing your burnoffs


Well-Known Member
Ratchett is wise. While you might be able to you definitely should not.

"Overcharge" (say at least four hours after charging indications stop) the first time only before any discharge is my advice. After that, avoid full charge for maximum battery life. I believe so strongly in this I built this gadget to cut charge off automatically at about 90% as I've currently got it set:

The unit at top runs on 12 VDC, the unit below turns that into the 9 VDC needed by Ascent. Lots of good information on prolonging battery life here:

The battery pack should give you about 300 'cycles' (recharges) if you just use it, double that or more if you avoid full charges. Not too important, a rebuild is like $60 but why rush it? You can just use your backup vape while it's in the do have a backup vape, right?

OTOH you can seriously damage capacity by simply fully charging (100% or more) and putting it in a drawer and not using it. Yes, just sitting there......which is why they should never come to you fully charged. Batteries of this sort should be stored at about 60 or 70% of charge. If you fully charge I suggest you immediately enjoy a session.....for the sake of your battery?

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