Using a LiPo battery for IH for a dynavap


Here to plan my next project: Tiamat
Hi FC, so I've been planning to build a compact IH for my DV & was looking at a LiPo battery, specifically THIS ONE. I have asked similar questions on Reddit in batteries & ask electronics but have got an answer, seeing as the PSM was born in FC which uses a LiPo I'm hoping someone can help clear things up for me.
So my plan was to use the battery with the standard 3S 10A BMS board but was signed posted by VapOven to THIS ARTICLE which has made me uncertain. What I have also found is that LiPo batteries don't deal with being discharged below 3.0V & can make them dangerous. Now the BMS has a over discharge cut off of 2.3-3.0V±0.05V which is lower than recommended discharge for a LiPo battery. Now my other question I had was if I do wire this up to a BMS using the junction cables would I still be able to charge it via the DC plug it has or would that screw things up as that pathway won't have the BMS.
Sorry, I have built a IH with 18650 batteries but I don't know enough to jump in & do this with confidence so will be bombarding this forum with noob questions to make sure I don't die a fiery death which to add salt to the wounds would undoubtedly make my DV combust 🤬
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