Using a glass stir stool?


Well-Known Member
Hi....Newbie here!First time posting in this section,had a question about using a glass nail with a D020-d bubbler from dhgate!It probably isn't the best quality nail but just wondering if I can use a glass stir tool I got with my vapourizer for dabbing with it?A nail and dome came with it and just wanted to check it out!It will do for now.

Sorry for the double post!!



Well-Known Member
I dont see why not. Glass is not the easiest to use but I believe that its always safe, unlike untrusted titanium. Glass is just glass, no different types to worry about.


special like everyone else
Also your dab tool isn't getting the torch treatment like a nail. Depending on your toking material, you might not have to make hardly any contact between your dabbing tool and the nail. Personally I use 304 stainless steel dental tools because they are designing for scraping stuff, and the one I always use barely gets warm.
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