Uruguay Legalizes Cannabis


I'm willing to bet they have already done that, you just don't know it yet. They only play by the rules, the only difference is they make new rules as they play, to fit their needs.... :)


Well-Known Member
...To us it means health, medicine, food and fuel, clothes, tools and materials.
Read further into the article. This is about them modifying seeds and patenting them, causing farmers to purchase new seeds each year rather than use the seeds from their yield. But much, much worse than that...

"...In one case, a farmer received an eight year prison sentence for conspiracy to commit fraud against Monsanto because he saved seed from one growing season and used it the next without purchasing new seed from the company.

The genetically altered seeds are also suspected in playing a large role in the 2012 epidemic that swept through commercial bee colonies. During this epidemic, nearly 50% of the nation's bee population was wiped out, with farmers in California being hit the hardest. It is suspected that the neonicotinoids that are bred into the seeds are causing the bees to die after coming in contact with plants that sprouted from the genetically altered seeds. - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-an...iative-Grows-in-Uruguay/#sthash.MAe1FXRO.dpuf"

I believe Monsanto's new corporate slogan is, "The Root of all Evil!"


I know about that, they do it with almost any edible or medicinal plant. Nestle as well, i'm sure there are many others.

But cannabis is more than just something edible, which is why i'm not surprised they heavily fund pro-legalization iniciatives although they try to hide it and distance themselves from it.

Wait until it is fully legal and we'll see them trying to take control of it but this time it will be on the open and suddenly it will be the best thing that ever happened, and it will be discovered by their scientists and their scientific research!

Jeremy Driscoll

Well-Known Member
The president gives most his money to charity, he proceeds to adopt children to teach them farming, and he is a humble, simple living man, in other words he's a living saint, and one of the greatest nicest people of all time known in politics, and even in this world.

............And this is the face of the man who is bringing legal cannabis back to this world.......I love this, this way with a man this perfect, I can't think of another man who I (I as in "an anti prohibitionist") would rather see represent me and my fellow weed smoking friends to make us look like decent innocent little angels, who can do no wrong and who should be heard.

I mean you would think that if weed was the hard drug that the DEA makes it seem that it would be represented by the most evil crazy drug looking and high life living monster in the world like another hitler or at the very least by people who are average and who don't give most of their money away, and even if they do to be a drug that is used by the president, but he admits he does not use it but that he still wants it legal like it is now to be this legal forever just because it's the right thing to do. This is why the DEA can not win, no matter how much money they have and cops as their bitches, they will never have saints like this president and like Canadas Marc E...

The fact that a celebrity doctor like Dr. Sanjay, and others have told the lie that MMJ is bad and then pretended to have a change of heart after comparing the evidence, are unable to get respect for lying anymore because everyone who is not a complete idiot and who is logically informed can tell you what experts and users have been saying the whole time that this plant is not a drug it is perfect in every way, and this truth can not be denied any more.


Salutations Jeremy,

...everyone who is not a complete idiot and who is logically informed can tell you what experts and users have been saying the whole time...

The search for truth was set in motion long ago but that sad situation significantly improved recently:

One aspect i don't like about this is that it still seems to focus on a polarized perspective where cannabis consumers can be classified either as medicinal users or recreational ones, the good side being that it will help to invalidate the inital premises on which anti-cannabic lobbies depended for too long - including the UN we can blame for a succession of misguided/misleading treaties.



Oil Painter
I am seeing, up close and personal, the "medical" vs "recreational" mindset, here in WA.

Many of the decision makers are convinced that, while MJ may be good for some medical needs, people are really just recreational users, and have been lying about needing it medically in order to get high.

They really don't see it. At all. They are purposefully blind to the fact that this is a plant, for crying out loud, a plant like any other medicinal plant, let's just say it's chamomile.

Chamomile is wonderful for relaxing you to get to sleep. Many people use it (medicinally) for sleep.
Chamomile tastes good. SOME people use it for the taste. Are they then recreational users?
If a recreational user uses chamomile, and gets the benefits, did they get, somehow, LESS of a benefit because they used it for the taste rather than the sleep?
Because EVERYONE likes the taste, then being a MEDICAL user of chamomile is invalid. Insomniacs can no longer grow their own chamomile, or buy it in a health food store. They have to go buy it from a tea shop, with the rest of the recreational tea herbs, and pay more for it.

See the logic? yeah. I've explained this until I'm blue in the face, and got no where.


Out to lunch
Good going Uruguay! First country ever to legalize. Now please tell Monsanto to keep the fuck out. If ever a company could be described as evil, it's that one.

"Now the cycle has apparently turned. Monsanto, under attack regarding its GMO seeds, may need a new market to re-establish credibility and even popularity – as marijuana will surely prove a more welcome crop than soy in the public mind.

Monsanto's efforts as regards marijuana in Uruguay may be helped by the overwhelming government involvement in the cultivation, sales and marketing of marijuana.

With its talent at bending smaller governments to its will, Monsanto may find a significant opportunity in Uruguay to establish an even more aggressive business beachhead" http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/34833/Monsanto-Marijuana-Initiative-Grows-in-Uruguay/


Salutations Enchantre,
Salutations Max,

I am seeing, up close and personal, the "medical" vs "recreational" mindset, here in WA.

Somehow i don't find it hard to believe this... :|

They really don't see it. At all.

To me it's quite simple enough, transpose to alcohol all of the abuses already comitted by our respective predator governements and then run a poll pretending there's a new law in preparation which will target adult drinks in this exact same fashion... For example, imagine the children protection services calling cops to their rescue so they can take custody of a child because somebody happens to keep a collection of fine liquors in his domestic bar; also, what about seizure of his house, goods and money afterwards? Hoping it doesn't end up with a tragic "incident", out of luck! - and that's just a start...


Now please tell Monsanto to keep the fuck out.

Inded, Monsanto should keep away and i'm not only worried about adding foreign features via GMO technology: i suppose tracability markers would be even easier to implement without visibly altering a strain at all... Of course those in favour of discrimination against recreational users would love having such a tool to support their bigot work, i presume.

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