The difference between the LSV and HA2.2/Volcano isn't simply markings around the knob, the actual control is completely different. The LSV's knob simply adjusts how much power is sent to the heating element but the power is constant with no temperature monitoring whatsoever. On the HA2.2/Volcano the knob is an actual thermostat and "smartly" alternates between full power and no power to maintain the selected temperature, meaning they will compensate for my fluctuating voltage (on my LSV if I take a draw after my electric space heater happens to turn off it will often combust as all the power that was being used by the space heater suddenly makes its way to the LSV increasing the temperature).
You haven't mentioned is there's any HA2.2 equivalent without the pump as I would never use it.
About the Plenty I'm also not sure I like that you need to use that metal pad for small amounts, how long does the pad last and how much are replacement pads?
That's wild, I really appreciate the info. I have zero experience with the LSV but I do have an EVO and an apt comparison I typically see is that the LSV can kind of match the EVO in terms of what it's doing. The EVO also has a "dumb" knob and I am able to estimate a ballpark temp with it, so I assumed you would be able to comparably match up knob positions with temperature on the LSV. My mistake (you know what they say about assumptions
) I can understand how that would be a problem if your temp is not constant because of power fluctuation. I actually believe now with that knowledge the EVO is more like the HA or Volcano in that it can "smartly" adjust the power to maintain its temp, more or less just never knew that about the LSV!
This has opened up a whole new world of research for me, honestly something I never thought of. I always kind of assumed my vapes were more or less regulated in that they would always be drawing X power regardless of what else is plugged in.
As to you're second point, no I don't know. Maybe the EQ, the EQ and HA seem pretty similar in a lot of regards.
I also don't know how much the pads are, sure they are listed on S&B but I reckon like $5 or something for a handful? Literally no idea. Don't think they'd break the bank though.
I also believe you'd need the pads for the Volcano for smaller amounts but I could be totally wrong as I don't have experience with it.
You want bags, you want convection, you want to use small amounts without a spacer....if the Cano works without the spacer I'd say get that. If it doesn't, I will still stand by my initial suggestion of the HA as it does all those things you mentioned. Believe the autoshutoff is like 30 minutes but it does heat up in like 2-3 minutes? I didn't time it when I used it, I will later.
The EQ would probably be a pretty good thing to look into as well, based on my knowledge of it, hits your points too.