upgrading my vape


Well-Known Member
My asthma has been getting bad when smoking / vaping so I'm looking to improve my vape quality, cost is no issue I want the best rig possible!

I currently have a volcano digital, my question for you experienced vapers, should I buy the magma obsidian to attach to the volcano, or get a new vape like the VapeXhale evo. Any help is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I'd go Herborizer personally in that case. No purer vape flavor than that in my experience, and does good at low temp pulls. You can also sip the vapor through a Sherlock or water pipe.

Or if athsma makes it harder to pull, another good option might be the OAB from Collyland. Just such an effortless draw from these. Maybe you also add a whip to turn it into a nice sipping machine.

But I can certainly see the advantages of a vape with a fan pushing out air to you or a bag in your case. Is there anything about the Volcano that you are not liking or is giving you problems?


Smoking some Datura stramonium leaves, Aka, jimson weed, devil's snare, or devil's trumpet, was used to help asthma in the early 1900s. It's said to be poisons and a hallucinogen. There is a slightly less tabooed herb by the name of belladonna which was taken internally and smoked for the relief of asthma too. So adding ether to your vape may make you feel better, and it may make you trip.

Some people say a sourpuss of pulmonary oxygen triggers the asthma attacks. What they are saying is your body is trying to conserve carbon dioxide, so if you hyperventilate before an attack, try to control the rate of your breathing. It may just stop the attack from happening.

If you find that your body is reacting to the vape (aka an allergic reaction), it may be time for you to take a break from vaping. Try some consumables if you really need the high.


Plant Enthusiast
Is the vapor too harsh from the Volcano? You can connect the whip to a water piece pretty easily I believe. To me, he Volcano is superior to the Evo.
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