Upgrade to a persi from 2.5v omicron?

would it be better to simply upgrade to the Persi or should i get the HVD cause it practicly the same money

Also is the pure gold concentrate a good match with the 1.5omh cartridges
Sorry if i seemed unchilled i just was in the process of buying a vape and time was running out before i would be unable to pick it up for a month if someone could bestow some wisdom upon me that would be greatly appricated


Well-Known Member
I dont own one but definately go with the Persei, their is a shitload of different attachments, some of which only work with the persei. I believe all your old carts will work with it too. You probably dont need that hot of a cart for PG, that stuff vapes quite easily.


Well-Known Member
would it be better to simply upgrade to the Persi or should i get the HVD cause it practicly the same money

Also is the pure gold concentrate a good match with the 1.5omh cartridges

It depends on what you want to do. If you don't need small size, Persei gives more options and longer battery life by a lot. Many of the more powerful accessories are out of Omicron's power range.

No, PG is a poor choice in 2.4s (sure to leak eventually) and an extremely poor choice for 1.5s PG as Omicron cart seals don't get along. Consider the CE4 cart D9 sells for that? Stay with the 2.4s and take it easy on the power button.

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Well-Known Member
There are new cartridges in work right now that will help with PG, for now Persei is the best you can get. I would suggest taking some time and learning on a omicron before you jump to persei.
The warrnings are real on their product page, handle Persei with care!...
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