wow, really excellent writeup man
just recently i became aware (again, ive seen it before but had forgotten about it) of the supreme, i might even got one for myself, i love the simple yet well engineered design of the heat exchanger and the thermometer is a really nice touch. ive been searching for a while for a high extraction efficiency vape (the vaporgenie works well but is a bit inconsistent for my taste, and takes a bit too much focus during the hit) to use for both huge hits and low temps
a few questions;
1. does the supreme need to stay vertically oriented? what is the mechanism in place that would keep herb from going up into the heat exchanger
2. it looks like you can heat it then just dump some herb in the back, shake it to get it in the bowl put the screen in and go, is that an accurate description of the usage technique?
3. have you tried low temps with it (i mean really low temps, near invisible vapor but a sublime buzz)
4. what about stirring? it seems that it surrounds the herb with heat on all sides like the pd and mz, does this remove the need to stir?
5. not really a question, a suggestion i picked up in my reading from dadornta on, you can get one of those ove glove things (kevlar or nomex oven glove) to satch it, since the fabric they are made of id very heat resistant theoretically that could compensate for a lot of the cooldown time before stashing it
6. how much did you pay for it? if and when i decide to get it, im going to email ed and see if i can get it cheaper without the torch, geitting an additional discount from haggling would be even better
edits: (ive got a lot of questions, thanks in advance for taking to time to indulge my curiosity)
7 what is the capacity, if you dont have a scale handy it would be helpful if you could tell me the relative capacity in mz bowls
8. what size diameter is the whip tubing
9. do you know what kind of wood its made of or if he could do custom woods (ill probably have to ask ed directly on this one)
i think you hit the nail on the head about it being more of a transportable than a portable. something that you would take to a friends house but not something you can take a quick hit in a concealed place (ive got the lb for that)