unexplained phenomena


Oil Painter
I think it's weirder that not everyone has or recognizes when the rest show up...

It's not that unexplained stuff happens.. I have the explanation. Thinking that the only life or beings are those in physical bodies that vibrate at the same precise vibration that we do, is something that I can't do anymore.

Lights going off, yep, @killick I've had that. It's mostly stopped since my energy field is a lot calmer, but I can bring down lights, computers, networks... and I've brought up storms.

Pets who have passed to the Rainbow Bridge... yes, Chelsea still occasionally shows up to walk across our legs - both hubby and I will feel it. Less often now, she's convinced that we're pretty happy with Merri.

Ghosts in the house. Sure. I've also blessed space, and evicted dark energy. Friend with a large commercial building had real difficulties until we blessed it. He's used IR cameras to see things in his shop at night...

I specialize in coincidence management. Had a few years in the middle where I wasn't able to access my true inner self, but it's coming back now. :D


vapor accessory addict
I think it's weirder that not everyone has or recognizes when the rest show up...

I lived in a house that was significantly haunted. And I was the only one in the household that experienced anything with these ghosts. My friends could see them... but no one else in my family could.

They all thought I was just too high.... and it was a source of great frustration to me at the time. But I've come to realize they just weren't as 'evolved' metaphysically as I was.

That said, it still amazes me that they never experienced the chairs flying through the room or doors slamming. Or the sound of chairs scraping on the floor... or people walking around. Or the cold.....
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