I surprised @Stu hasnt posted his rock video before.
But we all know how modest he is.
Things were a little slow in the dancing monkey with live accordion accompaniment world.
So, in order to keep the peso's and bananas flowing @Stu 's owner strategically shaved stu & gave him some drumsticks.
a big shout out to our transgender community espec @mvapes
No body does sexy, bald in lingerie like you do honey.
All Kosher, no Halal!
In light of the above, this isnt weird.
Just slightly unusual.
and here is some classic aussie freak on from the 70's.
This is our version of 'Fear & Loathing'
(freaky assed shit on a mushroom trip)
A thread like this would be incomplete without the Shatner:
Pretty bad, but fortunately for Bill, Leonard Nimoy decided to try singing too:
One of the problems i have in trying to figure out what to post here is that most people give me a funny look when they hear what I play. I am 62 and look like a pre-school teacher. It doesn't compute with some of what I listen to, lol.
However, this might venture into strange music for me to listen to...
WARNING: Once seen, cannot unsee!
Might contain one or more of: off-key notes, cheesy dance moves, bad lip-syncing, and/or awful lyrics. Watch at your own risk.
Realest ni**a in the fuckin' game right now
And yet.... somehow I'll bet you watched the whole thing.. didn't you Stu...My god that was awful.