Uncool Music To Vape To, The Songs Everyone Around You Hates

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
When I’m chilling with friends having a session and this tune ends up coming out from shuffle my friends typically ask me to change it, while not my favourite song on the album by far I don’t mind it if I’m in the right mood

Bad Dog,


Less soul, more mind
Some people around me fail to understand the artistic value of this German project:

I actually (honestly) enjoy them very much. This clip has English subtitles btw, might help to get an idea what this is about.

Then again, maybe not.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Baby Shark, Baby T-Rex, Baby Stingray .... Baby Fuckin ANYTHING! My grandson learned how to work with Alexa and now my ears are bleeding. What's worse is that the damn melody gets stuck in my head like ... oh shit .... the first viral baby song years ago.... Baby Monkey! I was gonna run over to the Fuck You thread to say a few things about Pink Fong but I think I covered it here well enough.......



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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