How can you possibly know if they were there to move stash? The responsibility for the alegged stash is of the people who live there, not the people who visit it.
Again, he does not have the responsibility to know what goes on in the privacy of someones home. And you continue to make ridiculous assumptions, "reeking house"
MDMA has no physical addiction and potential long lasting harm comes from adultered inpure MDMA. So i dont consider it in the same category has heroin, cocain, crack or meth. Doing so is part of the problem with drugs.
Once again, you answer with what i did not write. I said it is not ilegal to carry potentially harmfull pills, much more harmfull than MJ or MDMA. Selling pills is illegal since you need a license. That is why we have pharmacies. The same goes for selling other kinds of products that require licensing.
A ticket is not comparable to a criminal sentence and i did not refer anything about being open.
It is not about simpathy for the people who do hard drugs, it is about understanding that prosecuting people at random and putting them in jail instead of reabilitating people and trying to help them overcome their problems will never solve anything. Neither will help declaring the substance is illegal.
If people have problems and don't make the right choices in life, it is not a law or a prison sentence that will deter them from being involved in crime and substance abuse.
I understand the fear of not controling the actions of people who are intoxicated and the repercutions in a civilized society.
But not all drugs are equal, not all people use them abusively and not all people use them when they shouldn't. In fact, i think the opposite is true. With hard drugs like heroin, crack or meth, the issue has to be handled differently than softer drugs. But if you look at the evolution of drugs, these were only created because of prohibition laws.
A big part of the drug problem is traffic and crime associated with it. If the government took the power away from dealers and got in charge of the whole process, the people who wanted or needed the drugs could still have access to it. No differently than what happens with alcohol. I see homeless drunks buying alcohol at the supermarket. These are people with a serious addiction problem. People who do nothing other than drink. Do you see crime related to alcohol? In general, no. Maybe some thefts, but no trafic, no killings, nothing. Is it that difficult to extend to other substances? Is it really worse than the reality now? The only problem i see is that because of drug trafic, criminals will lose their "jobs" and who knows what their next line of work will be.
I find it amazing that inteligent critical people, still fail to realize the ilogical reasoning behind the war on drugs and the ability to support legal drugs like alcohol or pills and be so oblivious to other drugs.
In fact, i think the word drug is a problem in itself. You don't see morphine being called a drug, it is medicine. Amazing how sometimes we choose to be stupid, just so we can feel morally and intelectualy right.
There should be regulation not prohibition. There should be counseling, not tickets. There should be social services especialized in reabilitating addicts, not drug agencies with brainwashed ideas.