Yes you can! I'll second that emotion! I forgot Showtime has episodes 3 & 4 on demand (after this Sunday, back to one hour/one episode per airing). Will be watching later today.
That's what I was hoping for...and it delivered in spades. It seems like The Return will feel more like a long movie than a TV show...and I'm good w/ that.
Yes! What about that black figure in the glass box...
...the glass didn't seem to do a very acceptable job at "holding it in".

And the woman in that (those) scene(s). OMFG! What a TOTAL BABE!!!
Is this what your referring to ? Either way, I need to pick it up. Oh, and they had this too. 
Log Lady
@grokit Did you watch the 1st two episodes yet? What'd you think ? Are you diggin' it ?
I don't think this show is gonna be for everyone...