trendy newish words that nauseate you.


Well-Known Member
Like this might appear to be doublespeak but needless to say, it is none the less alternative facts...

My top priority is to more or less monetize the gender fluid millennial dudettes and divas here so that they might buy in to and mitigate the potential impactfull consequences their actions may have on others. This micro-aggression is aggression irregardless of the primary intention.

Just sayin' bro.

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
I love how you guys are all on the same page! This thread is a nice reminder that there are still people out there who aren't infected with this new verbal plague.

Nonetheless, I still feel the strong need to medicate aggressively after each trip to this page, as some of these words make me want to :bang:

Edit: I'll add one more - narrative. Not a new word but never have I heard it used so frequently since the run up to the U.S. election, and I never want to hear it again.
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Well-Known Member
My top priority is to more or less monetize the gender fluid millennial dudettes and divas here so that they might buy in to and mitigate the potential impactfull consequences their actions may have on others. This micro-aggression is aggression irregardless of the primary intention.

Just sayin' bro.

I think you need to "check your privilege" @Squiby ! You were pretty close to "triggering" me with that one.. like, it's like, you don't even like, respect my gender neutral safe space. That's not like you, broseph.


Well-Known Member
Privilege, safe space, and every associated concept that this precious little brood of spoiled shits uses to act like they have it rough.

I grew up around family and family friends who spent their youth doing such privileged things as trying not to starve to death, fighting Nazis and Imperial Japanese, and trying not to get fucking polio. You want to talk about privilege? Let's talk about why you have the freedom to own an iPhone and why you're safe from being massacred, enslaved, or forced into exile. Get some fucking perspective - I publicly and vocally supported equal rights back when doing so was actually unpopular and not a trend on facebook, but this victim posturing only makes me want to see you thrown in a gulag. The icing on the cake is that it's often pampered students at expensive universities blathering on about their hardships - because Ivy League students are notoriously underprivileged.

But I also gotta agree with Carol, "baby bump" makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Remember when your wife got pregnant? Now your baby mama gets a baby bump. Of course, back when your wife got pregnant, you took care of her and the child - baby mamas and their baby bumps sound much less serious, which is maybe why the baby daddy often decides he'd rather just move to Cleveland with no forwarding address.
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Well-Known Member
Privilege, safe space, and every associated concept that this precious little brood of spoiled shits uses to act like they have it rough.

I grew up around family and family friends who spent their youth doing such privileged things as trying not to starve to death, fighting Nazis and Imperial Japanese, and trying not to get fucking polio. You want to talk about privilege? Let's talk about why you have the freedom to own an iPhone and why you're safe from being massacred, enslaved, or forced into exile. Get some fucking perspective - I publicly and vocally supported equal rights back when doing so was actually unpopular and not a trend on facebook, but this victim posturing only makes me want to see you thrown in a gulag. The icing on the cake is that it's often pampered students at expensive universities blathering on about their hardships - because Ivy League students are notoriously underprivileged.

Beautiful post, man. Just beautiful. I fear for the day, and it will come, when the little twinkies we raised are confronted with the actual harsh realities of when their boss fires them and doesn't give a flying fuck if they think that's a micro-aggression.


Well-Known Member
'Ridonculous' (or however you try to spell it) has got to be at the top of my list as horrible made up words.
But I have to agree social media will be the death of the English language among other things like privacy. There's a reason I rarely use social media..

What a great wretched thread :ko:


Dharma Initiate
Baby Bump doesn't bother me but it would it was used in the way you guys are saying it. I've only ever heard the term "baby bump" post pregnancy announcement and never had anyone tell me "I got a baby bump" as a way to indicate they are pregnant.

I do know a handful of women who didn't really show at all for a few months and when they finally did they said stuff akin to "finally getting a baby bump!" Wasn't used to indicate pregnancy as much as to indicate physical showing of pregnancy I guess if that makes sense.

I don't like the term "dank" when overused. It used to be almost a hidden adjective that from my experience that could differentiate stoners, IMO now everybody and their kid uses it for everything that's good. That GrubHub commercial makes me cringe


Well-Known Member
Baby Bump doesn't bother me but it would it was used in the way you guys are saying it. I've only ever heard the term "baby bump" post pregnancy announcement and never had anyone tell me "I got a baby bump" as a way to indicate they are pregnant.

I do know a handful of women who didn't really show at all for a few months and when they finally did they said stuff akin to "finally getting a baby bump!" Wasn't used to indicate pregnancy as much as to indicate physical showing of pregnancy I guess if that makes sense.

I don't like the term "dank" when overused. It used to be almost a hidden adjective that from my experience that could differentiate stoners, IMO now everybody and their kid uses it for everything that's good. That GrubHub commercial makes me cringe
Speaking of commercials Just heard one for motel 6 that fits right in. They are "open late AF". I will never stay in one again. Argh.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
"moving forward" has lost all it's impact due to overuse by those who seek to turn any phrase into a buzzword. I heard two public speakers use it like a comma.

'Trigger warning' needs to be openly mocked and... Oh wait...:D Trigger warning ahead. :o

Video contains and mocks most of these annoying nausea inducing words.:evil:

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Talks to Young Voters • Triumph on Hulu - YouTube
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people genuinely say the word "peng" like it's not stupid.
it's taken over from "sick".
no idea where that one came from. is it short for penguin?
I think it comes from 'kushempeng' a French Jamaican word for good weed, that's the only thing that makes sense but it is an annoying word, heard someone in the supermaket the other day using it about food :bang:
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