At the risk of introducing an utterly ridiculous thread here are the Rules of TPBM Game.
TPBM stands for "The Poster Below Me". So, I might post...
"TPBM prefers bags over whips?" To which one could respond...
"I actually prefer vapor bonging." That responder then postulates what The Poster Below them might be doing like...
"TPBM is watching UFC 155 this weekend."
That's the game -- very simple! So I'll start...
TPBM this this is the most asinine game they ever heard of?
TPBM stands for "The Poster Below Me". So, I might post...
"TPBM prefers bags over whips?" To which one could respond...
"I actually prefer vapor bonging." That responder then postulates what The Poster Below them might be doing like...
"TPBM is watching UFC 155 this weekend."
That's the game -- very simple! So I'll start...
TPBM this this is the most asinine game they ever heard of?