It's connected to Namaste Vapes/Technologies, they had a big shareholders party in montreal a few weeks back and some kind of launch for the Totem(my buddy went, he didn't try it). Looks like the Chube got turned into a vaporizer after a not so good run as a grinderAny info on this?
I’m betting it’s that the totem doubles as a sex-toy which is another reason you can connect two together to make your own rocket! I’m right, yeah? I got it in one, didn’t I? Sorry for ruining the big reveal for y’all!
Looks like the Chube got turned into a vaporizer after a not so good run as a grinder
Hmmm...If two Totems give you better flavor, I wonder how many Totems it takes to get the BEST flavor?
Anyone rocking a 6-8 foot long stick of Totems, for that awesome super ultimate flavor?
I'll let you know, I have a few on their way to me to check out.
Any updates?
Meh. I am not amused.
They are claiming to be revolutionary and different, but they didn't list any new or revolutionary features.
Oh, you can hook two of them together for better flavor? What?
So, you have to buy two of these things to get the only feature that's different from many other knockoff vaporizers?
I don't like to feel like a sales team is blowing smoke up my ass, but that's what I'm feeling here.
Hmmm...If two Totems give you better flavor, I wonder how many Totems it takes to get the BEST flavor?
Anyone rocking a 6-8 foot long stick of Totems, for that awesome super ultimate flavor?
I still wonder how many totems working together it takes to get the BEST flavor?!?
That's quite enough. You don't own this product, you haven't tried it, and your sarcasm doesn't need repetition. You are )( this close to getting a warning point.
I still wonder how many totems working together it takes to get the BEST flavor?!?
You don't need to wonder anymore, as there will be zero reason to connect more than two totems together.
I should have a couple more units to test with the most updated temperature algorithm in the next day or so.
How long before you can post a short video of a totem (or more) in use?
You don't need to wonder anymore, as there will be zero reason to connect more than two totems together.
I should have a couple more units to test with the most updated temperature algorithm in the next day or so.
I just wanted to know,
After you connect two, do you inhale from both ends in rotation or does the vapor pass through both and blend the flavors out one end??
You just inhale from one end, and it's quite versatile with its heating tech. I'm hoping to know more soon.