Toro Maco Pull/Airflow


Well-Known Member
I just got out all 4 of my wisdom teeth this morning. I have a toro macro xl with a highly educated flux nail and am looking to take a dab. I am not willing to risk dry socket, so I am looking for any advice on how I might go about doing this haha. I was thinking of heating the nail, putting the dome on, then dab, but inhale from over the dome. So no drag. Theoretically, this should work right? Any other suggestions on what to do? I was perscribed some percosets, which I will be taking in a little, and wanted to take a small dab to chill on. Any experience with dabbing and taking pain killers?


Authorized Buyer
Do a search on 'dry socket' on FC. I could swear there was a thread about this topic, but I can't recall which sub-forum it was on. It may have even been in the FU thread.

Edit: Lions Mane herb must be working. The thread I was thinking of was called "crazy nasal vaping".


Well-Known Member
Thanks. So I know too much pressure/pulling will cause a dry socket. Will vapor from a dab cause dry socket?


Well-Known Member
i got my wisdom teeth out in high school during spring break 45 minutes after surgery I was at home hitting the pipe very gently
later that night I was at a house party drinking beer and smoking blunts

I never got dry sockets I smoked everyday just pulled very gently and tiny hits avoiding pulling air directly into my sockets and you do not want to cough

I also kept my mouth very clean
I don't think its necessarily vapor vs. smoke or bud vs. oil
the dry socket is your blood clot dislodging and exposing the bone and nerve to air,food,germs anything then you become prone to infection

so its possible to smoke but its also possible to get dry sockets
its your decision someone else's experience in a forum wont necessarily be yours


Well-Known Member
Yeah I noticed coughing didn't seem like a good idea. My Toro definitely has too much drag to risk using normally. Though I may try my friends rig, with has very little, if any. Is there any other way with help of friends to do this hahaha? Also how long before going back to hitting my piece like normal and take dabs as often as I was before the surgery?


Well-Known Member
LOL guys hahaha. I think I'm going to stick to letting the dab melt on the nail, and just inhale what comes off. Works fairly well, and no risk of dry socket or any complications! wastes a little bit, but I can afford that for a week or so haha.
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