You cannot go wrong with any of these portable vapes. The Cera is king on taste and efficiency. It will actually pay for itself in about 2 months give or take because of the size of the bowl and what you get from the draws. Plus if your into oils the cera EO cart has no match

The Pax is the king of stealth and power. You can fill the oven and easily get 3 people up there! Also the 3 temp settings, 370, 390, and 410 suit most any vapers needs. The taste also is right there with the Cera. A little more cleaning involved, but only a 5 min commitment and definitly worth it. The Pinnacle is also a heavy hitter. You fill a bullet and put on the top cap and 370 or 390 are the temps. It's convection like the Cera but since the heater stays on the draws take a lot less effort. The water tool with the Pinnacle puts it on a whole different level! The taste is amazing! Plus the bullet seems to go on forever like 2-10 min sessions plus the unit itself needs hardly any cleaning at all. The DaVinci is still one of my favorites. The power and durability of the unit is unmatched (which has me on edge for the release of the ascent!) You take effortless draws and custom temp settings? C'mon man!

plus the clouds o the clouds! Bascially, all these vapes rock on their own level, and that's why I use all them all every day! Sorry for making your choice that much harder, but you can't make a wrong choice out of these 4 for a portable.