To make it simple can you explain to me why would a siginicant amount of people who have taken certo packs which is basically pectin(soluble fiber) pass drug tests which measure for metabolites of thc if in your thinking fiber plays no role. You can't say it's water dilution because I've read cases where only 16 ozs were drunk and they still pass and some where they smoked before drinking the certo and still passed.
Do a google search and read all the experiences for yourself but I'll give you one. I'm not going to look for scientific articles trying to prove this point because it will take too long and I don't feel like proving something that has been done by so many people that has shown it works. If you are scientific you shouldn't have to wait for test to be done to at least have a belief in something until you can prove it's facts and how it works because if you live like that you will evolve very slow like most who believe in everything that is funded by corporations. Don't get me wrong studies are great but I'm not going to wait for a study to be done to find out something when I have a brain and senses to put together the knowledge myself and come up with a conclusion.
"Listen. I have been smoking for 5 yrs. I am currently on Probation. I was coming due for a UA and I knew that I was not clean. I did all the stuff your supposed to do (exercise, drank TONS of water and cranberry juice, sat in our hot tub nightly to burn fat, took detox pills, ect...)
They day before I saw my P.O. I went to Rite Aid and bought an at home drug test. I tested positive for THC within minutes. I knew I couldnt burn it out of my fat in time.
So this is what I did...
I went to a grocery store, bought some FRUIT PECTIN in the canning/jelly aisle, I bought a quart of apple juice, mixed ONE packet of pectin w/ the apple juice, chugged the apple juice about 3 hours prior to testing. Immediately after the apple juice I slowly drank another quart of water mixed with the second packet. And thats it. I pissed at least 5 times before I went to see my P.O. They sent me to a place called ADVANCED drug screening. I was worried, but I had nothing to worry about as I found out later. The technican came back to me and said I didnt test positive for anything and gave my test results. NEGATIVE! Whoo Hoo! Just the day before I was testing positive, the very next day, thanks to fruit pectin, I passed. It works. I promise."
I did this post just to show you that this fiber method is not something I'm making up and being that you don't believe it chances are you're not going to do a google for experiences like I recommended so I thought I'll at least show you one post to get your intelligence and questioning going and rev you up to look more into it and find the answer you seek.